Barisone Trial This Month

“Double tap” honestly, to me at least, sound so much less violent, less destructive and dangerous. I can’t imagine there aren’t more effective, descriptive and accurate words to use.

Vocabulary can be so useful to making an impact, to really imparting the experience to others. Or not.


Max users are already on.
Y’all are gonna need to share.

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Well that explains why it just went bye bye for me. Was trying to listen while working… oh well.

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Corrected above. Double tap is military and LE jargon for killing in close quarter fighting. Two rounds to the chest fired in quick succession.

When someone in law enforcement or the military or similar background hears two rounds to the chest, it signifies intent kill.

There is lots of information on it online.


I just got back on, although they are not talking about MB’s case at the moment.

I think the judge was doing a private breakout discussion with the lawyers on the previous case a few minutes ago.

I do feel like if I have this live stream with these different cases on for very long, I’m going to see and hear lots of things that are pretty unfamiliar to me.


I understand but “double tap twice” indicates 4 shots were fired. Confusing since there were only 3 bullets in the gun.


So Bilinkas has multiple cases in front of the same judge on the same day? That’s interesting. Is that pretty normal in that part of New Jersey?


It’s actually pretty normal everywhere.


Interesting, thanks.

Barisone hearing on now.

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Who is in the second feed on lower left from Morris County Jail?

I’m guessing it’s the next person who will appear before the judge. It looks like they overlap a bit to keep things in motion.

Like pre-loading in the jumper ring.


Thanks! Was confused… and LOvE the reference to the jumper ring (as a jumper).

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Syntax error as said. Now corrected.

Get ready to buckle up buttercup!

Double tap means shot then shot again to make sure the person shot is down and its most notably made famous in the zombie movie with Woody Harrelson “Zombieland”.


Brief notes for those who missed it. I’m sure(!) others will chime in as well and correct me if I got anything wrong.

The defense lawyer is organizing his technical support team to include a lot of evidence. I believe he used the phrase “thousands of pages.” They are planning to do a check on Wednesday afternoon to make sure all the technology is going to work in the courtroom.

The prosecutor wants to exclude text messages from the victim to third parties. Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis. They expect to call 15 witnesses for the prosecution, some less lengthy than others, encompassing 5-6 trial days.

They expect the same number of defense witnesses including two experts.

Proceedings could be slower than normal with the experts and possible technical issues. Maybe under two weeks for the defense.

The judge is going to tell potential jurors the trial may take three weeks overall, and could go into four weeks. He is planning to seat 16 jurors, so I’m guessing that’s 12 in the jury box plus four spares.

I believe the judge said they will be doing the jury selection via Zoom, and then for the actual trial, the jurors will be there in the courtroom. They are going to be tight on physical space in the courtroom since they still plan to observe social distancing guidelines. Observers may end up watching on monitors in an overflow courtroom.

When the judge was talking about space limitations in the courtroom, the prosecutor said there might be 2-4 supporters there on the LK side. The defense lawyer was not sure of the number for the MB side, but he said it might be up to 10 or so people. At that point, the judge said they would probably not all fit in the main courtroom, and some might end up in the overflow courtroom.

They also expect to have cameras in the courtroom from the news show 48 Hours. Barisone and his lawyer specifically agreed to that in response to the judge’s direct question on the subject.

Jury selection starts next Monday, 3/21, hopefully ready to start the trial (or maybe final jury selection?) the following Monday, 3/28. The trial should start at 1:00 PM on Mondays due to the judge’s schedule, and 9:00 AM on Tuesdays through Fridays.


thanks for the update!


But the defense made no such move to exclude texts (or other) between MB and third parties?

And yes, thanks!!!