Barisone Trial This Month

That is because the finder of fact, be it the ruling judge(s) or a jury, are the ones who can determine something to be fact or accept it as fact.

Of course an allegation is what you believe to be true or you wouldn’t be alleging it. Whether it is true or not is what the judge/jury decides.





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@CurrentlyHorseless I wonder if you also are curious where LK gets HER money from to pay for civil suits? Especially since according to her she plans on suing at least half a dozen posters of this forum.

It’s curious you didn’t ask THAT question.


Having an opinion (i.e. MB tried to murder two people) is not in violation of the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, or the law here in the United States. No one here has ever suggested that MB does not deserve a fair trial.

Twelve people found OJ Simpson not guilty of murder, but that does not prevent anyone from being allowed to hold the opinion that he is a cold blooded murderer. They were also allowed to believe that OJ was a murderer before his trial even began.

Thank god for rights in America, indeed!


I don’t think filing the suit is expensive. Inmates file suits from prison all day long. The first suit filed by MB was a mess, then cleaned up by his legal team. If the lawsuits are used for intimidation, then it’s tricky because there is an anti-SLAP law in a lot of states where a counter suit can be filed and the awards are substantial.

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I’m sure many inmates are filing via poor persons affidavits which is something LK could not do legally. Supreme/Superior Court cases are expensive and each additional paper costs $$$.

There are also often criminal justice groups who file on behalf of those who are indigent.


Technically, only 10 of the 12 voted for acquittal at the outset. The other 2 had to be convinced. One of whom was actually still convinced he was guilty, but felt she had to decide on the evidence and too much of the presented evidence was questionable.

Just an interesting detail about how unanimous jury verdicts actually work in real life.

As to filing lawsuits, the filing fees pale in comparison to the hourly rate for the attorney (and their paralegals) who actually prepare the filing and represent it.


I don’t believe any of us here have the slightest inkling what evidence the defense has…apparently enough to cause MB to reject a plea.

I don’t think it’s anyone’s business who is paying for his defense…could be a group, could be a single individual, or could be Barisone himself. Who cares?


Attorneys work pro bono all the time.

(For free)



How much wiggle room do witnesses really have to stray from their early police reports?

Several early news articles reported that RG was inside the house for a portion of the conflict and cite police sources for the info. LK has said here that he was on the porch with her the entire time. There is definitely some amount of conflict there.


Guess that is what all those attorneys at that Global Top Five Law Firms is for. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OJ got off for that trial, but his life has been forever ruined. I am sure that not being welcome anywhere that he traditionally been feted has to be a reality check for him. Then, he got locked up for trying to break bad with someone else.

It certainly did not pay for what he is alleged to have done, but I am a great believer in karma, and I am sure that he’s dealing with some of it here and now, and more later.


Karma visits all, regardless of good or bad behavior. That said, I’d love to have $10 for everytime I’ve taken Karma’s name in vain against some posters on this forum. BTW, Karma is an important belief in Hinduism and Buddhism. I know we have practicing Buddhists posting.


Thank you. I am well aware of how Lord Karma functions, and how the planet Saturn is ruled by Karma, and carries out his work. I would never categorize myself into being a Hindu or Buddhist.

I do not like to compartmentalize or brand beliefs. Mine are a mix of ideas from different kinds of religions. I would imagine that many people’s actually are.


I wasn’t speaking to what his life has been like; my point was that while OJ is not a convicted murderer, Americans have been free to think of him as one since the time of the murders without fear of violating the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, or the law here in the US. Someone seemed to think that another poster was violating the first two by referring to MB as having attempted to murder two people. I was merely pointing out that is not true.


?? Okay

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Thank you.


@eggbutt, I have been following all these threads since they started but may have missed the following info…

Did you have interactions or some type of relationship with LK prior to her working with MB and the events that followed?

I applaud your commitment to starting numerous threads with updates on this case, but it feels like there is more driving this particular dedication than simply an interest in true crime.

[Edited to correct grammar. :+1:]