Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Didn’t she testify that she has ONE gun, a Walthur, and that’s it? She had another on layaway and never picked it up. Uh-huh.


Did you take screenshots in real time of her posts or later? She deleted a ton of things that I recall seeing and can no longer find.

mB’s meds, cameras, JK and contracts, and MB’s conversations in the office…


Real time. It was after people started talking about what a wack-a-doodle she was and she started replying insisting her story was consistent while others said it was not. Sept 2020 or so onwards. Then she started liking my posts and I stopped following for awhile because I was freaked out (and because we got into a real nasty COVID surge and work didn’t allow me free time for much).

I remember vividly looking at her FB while she was still hospitalized but I don’t recall screenshotting anything. Tried to see if I did, but I didn’t - at least not on my phone.


It’s be really interesting to see if you have anything that was deleted at some point…


Shall I set up a Patreon? I do have a lot of time on my hands… lol. Just kidding, not breaking forum rules and advertising my services. Since I worked COVID, and since she freaked me out, and since - for a time - others attacked me here, I was pretty on and off following all the threads. I took a lot of breaks. But I agree it would be interesting to see if I have edited/deleted original posts!

I will say I found interesting that at the beginning she was far less unhinged and often came off as quite even-keeled amd even sympathetic. That sure changed…


Yeah, the one that was small enough to fit in her purse that she hadn’t cleaned in a year was also still on layaway, per her testimony. She admitted to owning the one that holds 18 in the mag, but she checked and it only holds 17. I’m still not sure how that makes any sense. If it’s never been in your possession, why would you need to clean it?


No, I’m not threatening to sue KM.

KM continues to bring up LKs supposedly vicious behavior of “threatening” to sue KM. I’m unsympathetic to KM’s continued whining about LK threatening to sue over KMs untrue (I believe) statement that LK posted on FB saying she owned a Ruger.

These two things are not the same:

  1. LK posted on FB saying she owned a Ruger
  2. There was a FB and COTH rumor that LK had posted saying she owned a Ruger. KM participated in circulating the rumor.

KM has posted evidence of #2, but not of #1.

Either KM has a screen shot of the alleged post by LK or she doesn’t. If she had the screenshot, she could have laughed off LKs “threats”.

I think she does not have the screenshot. If she doesn’t have the screenshot, how can she be sure in her own mind that it existed?

I did think about that. However, so many people screen shot her posts that lack of that particular post kind of resonates to me.

I looked at her fb too right when her name came out, when it was open to the public. I remembered a post, not more than one, because it was quite a post. Other posts were too but they were not about handguns. I didn’t remember what kind of handgun it was, just watched the back and forth. Then when this was posted, I expected more people to say oh right, I guess I misremembered. Nope. Doubled down. There was also LK’s post in the technical forum where she told her side of the exchange with KM. She embellishes but as eggbutt said there is that kernel of truth and it gives a different perspective on that encounter. I’ll see if I can find it.

That’s an excellent idea! That would be perfect for weekends or slow days at work. :slight_smile:

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So much about that is odd. 1) why didn’t she pick it up? That seems strange. 2) if it was never in her possession, then why did she post about it on SM? I am not in the habit of posting about things not in my possession as though they are on SM. (I don’t really post about possessions on SM, unless you include the horse and my tack, the cats, or my touchless faucet, which was the BEST pandemic purchase ever - but I digress). I guess I could say I own a piano. I do… it was my mom’s. But it’s at my sister’s place in CA because I live in a Brooklyn shoebox. So, I wouldn’t do that. But, hey… to each their own!


As OMGitsme explained, the post above is a different post than the one I was referring to.

I do not claim to have read all FB posts in this issue.



Those moving goalposts sure do get around.

  1. get over it. Why are you so fixated on this when #2 below should give you pause?
  2. speaking of screenshots existing - how’s @Omgitsme’s screenshot working out for you? Any comment?

Post 42 on the Barisone Threads in Technical forum is LK’s version of the exchange with KM.

LK’s version? You mean LK, the one who testified under oath on the stand that she lies a lot on social media?


I’m going to say this again… why is this Ruger thing so compelling?



I may not have been clear, but I was referring to one particular post that did not say what some people interpreted it say.

I did not claim there was no post in the universe that made the statement. Apparently there is. OMGitsme is in that FB circle I’m not.

You’re right that it is theoretically possible that LK owns a Walther and posted once that she owned a Walther, then posted again that she owned a Ruger.

But that just seems incredibly unlikely.

Okay - so you ALSO don’t recall. But a lack of a screenshot convinced you everyone else was wrong? Maybe they doubled down because unlike you or me, they remember what they saw?

And the kernel of truth in her lies makes you distrust everyone else? Is that what you’re saying?

And what does “her side” of an argument in which she threatened @Knights_Mom and to take her down, including to take her property, have anything to do with anything? She is not a credible witness! She threatens people who are strangers! She threatened and harassed a man to legal insanity! What more do you need to know?


Word salad again.