Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

This is not how it works. Interrogatories are not answered by lawyers. They are answered by the party to the suit being asked the question. Legally, LK is 100% responsible for that answer.


There is a screen shot of it back in a previous thread. I donā€™t take screenshots.

I have no way of knowing if it was edited to add the ā€œeven ifā€. But the ā€œeven if ā€¦ was in the post in the screen shot when some posters were using it as evidence that the friend supposedly had heard the recordings.

I agree with the likelihood of friends sometimes lying to back up the lies of their BFFs.

I really like the emoji. I think it should be your signature on all your posts! LOL!

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Did her lawyers also craft this: under oath, in court?

ā€œI donā€™t recall deleting any posts. Thatā€™s more of a Mary Haskins thing.ā€

Just checking where we stand on that testimony. Technically, yes, she did say she didnā€™t recall. Perhaps just being a little slippery there as well.


No worries; please provide the thread and post number since this post is the basis upon which your latest campaign is built. You always ask everyone else for posts; common courtesy dictates you would not demand of others what you yourself are not willing to provide.


I know weā€ve discussed, but seeing it writing? just canā€™t get past the liability waiver conspiracy theory. Anything else in this word salad is lost on me because itā€™s that wacko. What??? OMG. How clueless. Who amongst us HASNā€™T signed one of these? I sure have. And I am pretty sure it doesnā€™t give my trainer the license to kill me. Hop hoy.


What a titillating accusation - that I lie. Please provide the backup based upon which you make this attack.

There are many things you could level at me in the discussion, but why lying? Iā€™ve not even provided any material here, only commented on/discussed it. To what are you referring?


You missed another shock and awe related phrase about the next section ranting that MB called CPS on himself and it couldnā€™t possibly have been because of her SS reportā€¦


Where did I generalize? I was talking about the one particular post and did not know of the second post claiming to hear the audios until OMGitsme posted the second one.

If youā€™re not attempting to be slippery or obtuse, [edit]. Why are you defending the indefensible? It isā€¦ odd. The ā€œEnglish Professorā€ reference was to how you behave and how you attempt to defend your assertions. Not a reference to what I believe your profession to be. English professors donā€™t typically craft word salad when articulating.


Iā€™ve worked with cops, Iā€™ve had friends in LE, etc and I have never known one to say something like ā€œdumbest murder plannerā€, especially in that context. Every time I read it, that phrase bugs me.


I agree LK is responsible for the answer. I assumed she had a right to legal counsel and the lawyer would ghost write for the client.

Note to all: henceforth when CH demands you do her secretarial work and comb various threads for her, please find above an easy copy-paste reply that she will find acceptable.

You can then go on to assert whatever you are asserting without fear that she will attempt to discredit you if you donā€™t show the post you remember or reference. She will accept this reply unconditionally since it is the very one she gives herself.

This is going to make a lot of the disagreements much easier to resolve here! Hallelujah!!

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: [NB: this is my new ā€˜signature to all [my] postsā€™!]


Uh no. They only insert the legalese objections. Everything after that is 100% client.


I think the lawyers probably coached her on use of ā€œI do not recallā€.

I think the answers on the written interrogatories are more lawyer-like than her extemporaneous responses in court.

I have an ex-NYPD friend. I know a few current NYPD detectives, I agree. That said, I would question the IQ of any cop who would jump to the conclusion that an industry standard piece of legal paperwork makes one the ā€œdumbest murder plannerā€. Is there a contract on earth that indemnifies one from murder?


An ethical lawyer might read her answer, ask her if she is sure, maybe advise to rethink it, but would NEVER ghost write an interrogatory answer for their client as that would be, well, perjury.

From the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 33:

The interrogatories must be answered:

(A) by the party to whom they are directedā€¦


Each interrogatory must, to the extent it is not objected to, be answered separately and fully in writing under oath.


The person who makes the answers must sign them, and the attorney who objects must sign any objections.


Not how it works. But, hey, IANAL (I Anal!) - will let the legal eagles correct you.


Fair enough.

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Not a lawyer - but at best they might intervene if someone incriminates themselves, no? (As in, I wouldnā€™t say that?)

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