Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ugh. The hostile PMs are so weird to me. I’ve PMed I think two people who I thought I got crosswise with on a thread. In both instances I was waaaaaay nicer and more careful in my PMs than I was in the thread, not the other way around! In both instances we had great exchanges and still PM chat to this very day.

I do not get PM people to be even more aggressive than you are being publicly. I mean, I get that you think you can do that and no one else will see and so you can still pretend to be better than that in the public threads, but what is the point of PMing specifically to get all nasty at someone?

Who does that?


Yes, I think the Oscar may have actually been for writing the screenplay. Good for her either way!

Not to slam her husband, but I have to say that he is near the top of the list of actors who showed he could not ride well in the few seconds they showed him on the gray horse towards the end of the movie. But he is probably a perfectly nice guy otherwise. Lol.


I am glad that I am not the only one who found that comment to be completely astounding - and, as it turns out, repetitive!

I lost track for a bit here - because, horses… are we easing back into another endless droning circle/cycle about MB’s relationships and the timing thereof? Or still re-re-hashing whatever the BFF ShelleyNelly said… or once again hyper-analyzing who had Lugers-Rugers-Walthers and when it was mentioned and were they real or imaginary or pink or chartreuse or what not…did I also miss out on the Big Feast of Crow that was going to be served? I must recommend a balsamic wild cherry glaze…

Dang this 24/7 job…


Hahahahaha! Judging actors on riding ability - I like it!

I understand that he’s actually a bit of a tortured soul IRL and has not been able to have a longterm relationship, never had a family, etc. He has spoken openly about it.

But, I also heard great things about him as a director and that everyone had a good experience on the Belfast set, so I assume he’s a tortured soul but a generally good guy, as long as you are not his SO and expecting fidelity. He’s certainly not unique in that respect.

I was viewing the charge conference again today because I missed part of it earlier. I was struck by this comment from Judge Taylor (while they were discussing the possibility of a diminished capacity aspect).

the jury could reject insanity but still find that the defendant because of
mental health issues could not form the conscious object to kill someone…
that would be the diminished capacity and it would reduce the crime…it’s not
justification…it doesn’t remove all legal responsibility like insanity does

Bolding is mine to particularly call out that part of the comment. And that seems to my non-legal mind why Mr. B rejected diminished capacity and lesser charges and banked on a NGI verdict - to REMOVE ALL LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I would think that could be very good ammo for MB’s side in the civil cases. :grinning:


Judging actors on their riding ability is sort of an involuntary habit.

Plus it’s worse when they do interviews talking about how well they ride when that is quite obviously not very accurate. Which is not something that happened in his case, as far as I know. But it does happen once in a while.

I saw one not too long ago where one of the young actresses claimed that she had picked up riding so quickly and easily, and she really thought it was pretty much a piece of cake. I have a feeling the horse she was on might not agree with her. Lol.


I thought several of the Bridgerton actors acquitted themselves rather well. The young woman who played Daphne Bridgerton looked really quite competent even though in side saddle!

It’s clear they have stunt riders for the fast scenes, but I imagine I’d look like a lopsided sack of potatoes even at a walk in side saddle. :woozy_face:


I think I saw somewhere that they did a riding boot camp for the Bridgerton actors. I never saw the show, but I have to give them credit for learning from scratch just for an acting job. Maybe it will come in handy for them again in another acting job down the road.


Yes, I think it helps for a lot of those period/costume dramas.

I remember seeing an interview with Matthew MacFadyen in which he was joking that actors lie about all kinds of things on their CVs like dancing and riding. I remember him joking as though being asked in an audition if he rides, “Oh, yes, I was born in the saddle!” :joy:


They also had a riding/ranching bootcamp for the cast of 1883… and Yellowstone as well.


Good catch! Interested to see how it plays out at the civil trial.


I worked momentarily on a TV movie that involved riding—it was a very small part of the movie—years and years ago. They used body doubles for the actual riding, but the main actress had to be filmed actually on the horse! I’ve never seen someone so afraid of horses! I thought she was going to throw up! The horse was walking, led by a “groom” and I swear he (the horse) had his eyes closed! It took some time, but she did properly dismount!


Me!! Me!!! I did too !!


March 2019, as you read it, would have been prior to the shooting in Aug 2019. Oops. I also read (and type) on a tiny phone screen.

I have already apologized to you for not having read, back in March 2022, the second Shelley post.

I didn’t have a theory that someone hearing the audios was “impossible”. I said that based on the muddled first Shelley post, the idea that Shelley had heard them was not established. IMO.

I did not claim not to have seen Sdel’s March 2022 post. Obviously I had seen the first Shelley post in order to opine on it, then and now.

I stated that I was not following the Barisone threads closely in 2019. That’s a true statement. I never said I was “not following the threads in 2019”. Nevertheless, you came out with a gotcha, supposedly outing me as a liar with your claim that you had proof I “was following the threads in 2019” based on your misreading March 19 as March 2019.

I appreciate your apology /s for mistakenly thinking you were outing me as a liar when I said that I was not following the Barisone threads closely in 2019.

Ta-ta, FitzE.




You said:

You were wrong. You did see it. You copied it and replied to it.

I was mistaken about the date but I’m fine with that. I was not mistaken about Shelley’s first post, certainly not her second post, certainly not that you had, indeed, seen Sdel’s post (regardless of when it was posted), and certainly not that you were following in 2019.

NB: I did not say you were following ‘closely’; I said you were following.

Given all that, on balance, my one mistake re: dating is pretty meh.

Between the English and Latin snafus, saying you hadn’t seen Sdel’s post (when you copied and replied to it), that you didn’t recall lengthy PMs you sent, and completely missing Shelley’s very next post and galloping off into ‘impossible to interpret’ land when it was abundantly clear, repeating that muddled theory again today and arguing against posters who WERE attentive enough to have read both of Shelley’s posts and thus wasting everyone’s time telling you something you could have known with an easy, straightforward reading exercise (or, you know, you could have just believed those of us who do read carefully when we told you she admitted to seeing/hearing recordings), I’d refrain from any gotchas at all for a bit. Especially repeated attempts to gotcha someone over misreading Mar 19 as Mar '19. Given all you’ve had issues with in just the last 24 hours of posting, it just looks silly and underscores your own copious mistakes.


Yeah, will do. I’ll even hit the ignore for awhile.

I gotta give it to CH, having no sense of embarrassment about all their recent mistakes even to the point of coming on here to browbeat me about misreading a date is, I guess, kind of a super power. Not over burdened with any kind of sense of chagrin. :joy:


Yep. Fell victim to it last night. Internal ignore feature activated.


Bolding mine. It’s not just one.


We’ve all done it. It is hard to resist the triggers sometimes. It’s just like chocolate - if I don’t see it I’m okay even when I know it’s in the house!