Barn building - cost of stall fronts, doors, and recommendations

@clanter and js, thank you, now that you mention it I’ve seen those with chunks coming off and rusty… More I think in hot/humid climates, not so much up here unless very very old.

Can you tell me how much their dutch doors run? (Ballpark?) Nice looking products!

Hi Simkie,

Thanks! The price can vary because they have several options (standard and elite, with or without glass and grills; and fill can be wood T&G or powdercoated (very thick) aluminum T&G that is maintenance free). Our doors are the “elite” model with glass and wood T&G, and they were 1200 each. The glass is automobile type tempered glass, for safety (and ours have yoke grills inside). I think that is the upper range of their pricing. When I visited their factory, I got to see them making similar doors and was very impressed by the quality of manufacture.

A little off topic, but this is good advice for adjacent paddocks as well. For a while, I had horses in two adjacent paddocks with gates in the corners right next to each other. These were 40’ wide by 120’ deep paddocks. It caused so much friction with the two horses when you would enter a paddock and they would each rush to the corner to defend their space. They would get so mad at each other that they would continue bickering, nipping and occasionally, kicking, down the fence line. When I moved one of the horses into the paddock on the other side where the gates were far away from each other it was like magic; all the fighting stopped even though they still shared a long fence line.

Great feedback and lots to look into. I’m in the ‘Sandhills’ of North Carolina. Only one local company that I’m aware of called Barnware . They stand by their products but admit to being on the higher end of pricing. Figured I’d look into all that is out there but sticking with a local vender with warranty is probably the best way to go.

What questions do I need to ask about powder coating and warranty?