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Barn name ideas

Have a new horse coming to me - registered name “Lord Lux VHS”. He came from auction to a local dealer’s yard, so don’t know about history of barn names.

The sales livery has been calling him Loui and I’m not sure I’m keen on that.

Lux is a fine option, but I’m not completely sold …

Other ideas?

appears a prior owner called him Aaron

I’m addicted to the show Lucifer. His club is called Lux so I would probably call him Lucifer

VHS? I’d call him Video.


I was also trying to think of something along the VHS lines just because it’s fun. Video is oddly unique as well. Of all the barn names I’ve heard over my life, that isn’t one of them…but I like it. haha.

VHS was invented by Victor Company (JVC)… so maybe Victor?

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Luther? The double L and Lux made me think of Lex Luther.

What does he look like? You can always go with something totally unrelated to his registered name.

I LOVE the name Lux!!! Whenever I think about a barn name I picture it like, written on a whiteboard or like, on a feed bucket in the barn, and Lux is so cute and unique. It makes me picture ~luxurious~ things, like champagne, flying first class, leather etc.

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