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Barns near Naples, FL

I am looking for a barn in the Naples, Florida area (preferably south of Naples) that I can lesson at over the winter while DH and I snowbird in the area.

I’ve found the perfect rider for my steed over the winter, but would like to stay in good riding condition during those same three months.

Need somewhere I can get lesson a couple times a month. Nothing too serious or intense, I’m a first level rider and would like to keep moving forward.

If I can’t find a dressage barn in the area, I’m also open to a Hunter barn as I have always loved jumping over sticks. Again, low level (2’6”) type stuff.

Any leads?

no known leads. but google this: riding lessons near naples fl. 3-4 pop up and maybe one will meet your needs.

Thank you. But yeah, I did that already. I hate flying blind and appreciate the knowledge COTHers have about these things. Plus, sometimes the best places don’t always show up on Google.

Push come to shove, I’ll start dialing for dressage but any head start on these places is helpful.