I have a couple of cancers that developed in the past year, one is bad news and incurable, and the other is common and isn’t usually a big deal. I should get the punch biopsy results today from a suspicious area that showed up in the radiated area from treatment of one of the cancers. My PCP says best case scenario is benign changes caused by radiation. I hope it’s nothing more than that. I’m concerned that my body has suddenly become a champion at growing cancers over the past 12 months. I’m also concerned about what this means genetically for my son. One of them is rare and not genetically linked, to this point anyway. I have less history of cancer in my family than most people do these days. If there are only two, well it’s bad luck but not unheard of. If there are three, something else has to be going on. I’m in my thirties and have had some weird health issues in the past, but nothing even precancerous. I have a few thoughts about causes, but don’t want to post them for fear of being shredded. The rare cancer has outcomes that are linked closely to its histology. My histology points to the worst of the subtypes. Anyone with medical background who wants the details, feel free to PM.
Also, anyone with a rare cancer, or rare disease in general, feel free to PM if you’re fighting insurance. Navigating the healthcare system has been a nightmare since many doctors don’t know the disease and insurance is pathetic. The insurance company tried repeatedly to classify one of my cancers as melanoma and so denied my treatments and surgeries. First step you need to take is being assigned a case worker in your insurance company. They don’t promote that they’re available, so you’ll have to dig around and demand one.
I hope to post that the latest biopsy is benign later. If not, where to start with finding someone who would work with multiple cancers? Maybe someone who’s willing to look at ALL the diseases and symptoms together and who might have a lightbulb moment, rather than seeing so many different doctors? Does that doctor exist? Or do I stay with what I have now, which is a different set of specialist doctors for each cancer type? Ideally I’d like to have both but I don’t know where to find someone who might look at my whole picture first.