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BB Kindness Pledge- In Honor Of Missing BBers

… we MUST concentrate on helping our people! Keep good thoughts and hope for better things to come.

I pledge.

“Throw your heart over the fence and your horse will follow.”

I’ll pledge.

I pledge, but I am usually a good girl and don’t bicker anyway. Do I, huh, huh???

I gladly pledge…

…and drop my referee status because there’s no bickering!

'Come on everyone - "Khumbaya, my lord…khumbayaaaaaaa". Great thread, RF.

  • Co-Founder of the Everyone Thinks I’m A Pessimist Club
  • COTH Night Owl Support Group
  • This Week’s Lesson: “Ok, you pressed the ‘Whoa G’Dammit!’ button when you wanted the ‘Whoa’ button…Don’t press the Whoa G’Dammit!!

You have my pledge.



I Pledge

I try not to cause any conflict anyway. I can have a temper, but I decided a few years ago, that I will try to be more diplomatic, so when I cross over from this life, I will have a lot of people at my funeral.

I pledge too

ErinB from Florida never ever give cpr to a lizard

To not bicker, stir the pot or condemn my fellow BBers in the hope of keeping our wonderful group together and working towards locating our extended family of virtual friends!

Thank you for this, RF!

I pledge too. Trust me, this is just not the time. I can’t even think about riding, let alone showing at a time like this…really makes our “horse show world” seem trivial, eh?

I will most certainly try.


Here Here I also Pledge!

U got me in!!!

What does it take to be #1? 2 is not a winner and 3 nobody remembers!

I pledge.

~Insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over and expecting different results~

I pledge. We need to stick together, not bicker.

I pledge

Me too!

Me as well…

since this thread was started several months ago - has anyone heard from Lily of InwhyCee yet?

My thoughts are prayers are still with everyone who was touched in anyway by those events…

Sarah * AKA “Regal’s Person”
“your light reflected now - reflected from above - we were but stones - your light made us stars”

Thanks for reminding us.