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BB Kindness Pledge- In Honor Of Missing BBers

In Honor of those BBers who have yet to let us know that they are safe… lets all pledge to behave ourselves for one week. Starting right now.

I pledge to not bicker about party differences or my opinion about the president and his actions. I pledge to be the bigger person, and ignore those people who chose to bicker at me, in honor of those who arent able to be here. I promise to be mature, and realize that there are many, many people who have suffered and died this week and there is NOTHING in this life as important or as devastating as the pain those people have suffered. For one week, I will forget that which makes my life seem so tainted, and act amiably towards everyone here, regardless of how I feel towards them.


I pledge

* Fiero *

I pledge.

There are more important things in this life, as we’ve been so terribly reminded.

I pledge

I’m here…miserable since I’m working in the boonies of New Jersey instead of NYC, but here!

I pledge…but I am also out of the loop. Who hasn’t reported in yet?


I’m in too.

I’ve only ridden once over the past several weeks and am kind of forcing myself to again tomorrow. (My horse has to stay in work while my trainer is out of town next week and I must get comfortable with him…long story…)

I took my daughter to ride yesterday and she had a great lesson today. I found myself actually smiling. I have to admit - it felt wonderful. She’s at a stage where, unless some disaster strikes someone close to her, she doesn’t get what the big deal is. We talk about it when she asks questions after our initial discussion, but I don’t dwell on the horror of it all.

My son is the more silent, but deep, kind of kid. He’s 2 1/2 years older than my daughter and I have to admit, I’m kind of scared at how silent he’s been. But, based on history with him, I have to believe he’ll talk when he’s ready.

who has not checked in??

I pledge.

In Honor of those BBers who have yet to let us know that they are safe… lets all pledge to behave ourselves for one week. Starting right now.

I pledge to not bicker about party differences or my opinion about the president and his actions. I pledge to be the bigger person, and ignore those people who chose to bicker at me, in honor of those who arent able to be here. I promise to be mature, and realize that there are many, many people who have suffered and died this week and there is NOTHING in this life as important or as devastating as the pain those people have suffered. For one week, I will forget that which makes my life seem so tainted, and act amiably towards everyone here, regardless of how I feel towards them.

Its never too late to change the way you approach something Julie. Glad to see you, along with everyone else, realizing that there are more important things to think about today.

Goodnight all. I’m out for the day.

I pledge. Fighting does not help anything, and cannot change what has happened.

God forbid that I should go to any Heaven in which there are no horses.
~R. Graham

It has been posted elsewhere that Lily (the moderator) and InWhyCee have not been heard from. There are probably others as well… but those 2 I know of.

I Pledge.

But I’m with LordHelpus. We are both innocent and never cause any problems. Right?

Member of the Baby Greenie Support Group of North America

Good Job RF! Can I be the first to sign?

Miss you, see you next week!

I pledge to behave myself all week (actually for the remainder of the month), and as a start, go check out the “A tribute to the rescue workers” thread where I just posted a link for an item drive for the rescue workers in NYC. This one only applies to southeast PA, but it’s a start.

I’m in.

Colin, I was just thinking myself, “So are puke green TS’s really that important anymore?”

Life will go on.

And my new signature is going to be,
“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares.”

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

I’m in. Maybe a little too late, but I pledge now

as for not riding–the first thing I did when I got off of work on tuesday was go out and ride my adopted son. I’m sure he was wondering why his was getting such an overload of hugs that day. And I was reminded of how empathetic they are–he was so well-behaved it was scary.

The more this sinks in, the more I want to bury myself at the barn. Pain comes so immediately, but the truth of the situation takes so much longer, and is so much harder to deal with.

I pray that the missing BBers are just without internet access.

i pledge
