Cliffnotes version: I was just wondering if anyone had ridden or lived for an extensive period of time in Germany, particularly as a working student at a barn and if they’d like to share any of their experiences.
Long version: I know there have been threads before on this subject (I Googled) but many of them were more about the logistics of working abroad. I was more interested in personal, subjective experiences/anecdotes/reactions.
In the interests of full disclosure (and hopefully not too many of you will groan), I’m writing a work of fiction partially set in an eventing barn in Germany. I actually have done research already on the subject and have some riders I will be interviewing ‘in real life’ that have done this but COTH is such a great resource (particularly this forum), I couldn’t resist putting out feelers and asking if anyone had anything they’d like to share.
I also thought it just might be interesting for everyone to read, too and maybe even useful–I hope my question isn’t too cheesy and self-serving. I know there have been quite a few ‘I’m writing a book’ posts in other forums. But please don’t feel that you only should talk about things that might be ‘good for a book,’ I am really just interested in the whole experience.