So I feed beer to my horse along with one ac to help his non sweating issues. It really helps… but my question is does it matter what kind of beer? I’ve been giving him Guiness, but he seems to like Stella better… will it matter? TIA
Dark beer, like Guinness, is supposed to be best.
Agree about Guinness. The first year I did it, I went budget, it wasn’t as effective as Guinness
Or you could consider a real electrolyte, that is designed to be given to horses and is likely cheaper.
Like the apocryphal cavalry commander (paraphrased): “Barkeep, electrolytes for my horses and beer for my men!!!”
Maybe try a cheaper dark beer like Yuengling porter? Also, have you tried acupuncture? My vet says in her experience it works really well for anhydrosis. [h=3][/h]
Thanks for the responses. I’ll stick with the Guiness. He’s been on electrolytes and it hasn’t helped as much as the beer.
thanks again
Electrolytes may or may not be cheaper but if you are buying the beer for yourself anyway it’s one less thing.
Didn’t see much difference between electrolytes and beer for mild anyhydrosis, I went cheap but only regular beer, light beer did squat. Have several friends who went to Gatorade with good results. Again, there were mild cases, with severe ones, you need to involve a vet.
Also, be aware if you show that alcohol is a forbidden substance so don’t share a pint before entering the show ring.
I’ve never heard of anyone who has had any success treating anhydrosis with electrolytes in the deep south unless the treatment is feed electrolytes until the humidity breaks, but good for them if it works.
And sometimes none of the above seems to work. My horse decided to barely sweat this summer. I have tried Guiness, One AC, electrolytes, and acupuncture separately and overlapping! No significant change. :sigh:
I’ve had some big names in the vet world vouch for guiness lol 😂
Well if the horse doesn’t like Guinness…at least I do!!!
I had a horse in last summer who developed anhidrosis, he had never had it before. Nothing we tried helped, and he’s back to normal sweating this year. It’s such a frustrating issue.
My horse has stopped sweating twice this summer. It’s been disgustingly hot and humid here in north Florida. The first time, a break in the heat for a few days along with One A/C got him to sweat again. The second time a couple of weeks ago, he was still on LetM Sweat and One A/C and stopped sweating from one day to the next. I purchased a six pack of Guinness Extra Stout and he started to sweat again with the first beer. It is now considered a supplement and I’ll keep with it until the weather cools… unless the vet says to stop due to meds after surgery which is in two days.
Needs to be Guinness Extra Stout or you’re wasting your time.
At what dosage?
One bottle a day is what we gave a 17.2 WB that returned from FL one spring with this affliction. Not sure if split or given all at once is preferred. We gave all at once in dinner grain just to reduce the risk of knocking over a half full bottle.
You may have to start by adding gradually, though I’ve never known any horse to refuse beer, oddly enough.
I normally prohibit glass in any of my barns. This is one exception.
Good thing Guinness comes in a can. :winkgrin:
Guinness Extra Stout is only available in bottles, I believe.
The draught – not what you want in this case – is available in cans, bottles & of course on tap.
:lol: That made me laugh!