Begging to make something out of myself in the equestrian world...

Really interesting thread. I think many of us were like the OP many many MANY years ago. Lots of posts here from youngsters who HAVE the right attitude to compete in the horse business. I dont think the OP is one of them.

Just a quick point. Please please get an education so that you can support yourself if the horse jobs don’t materialize. He takes only a second to fall off a horse and break a leg, get in a car accident and injure your back permanently, so riding is not an option anymore. Always have a Plan B to be able to support yourself.

edited to add: sorry to add to this older thread, didnt catch the date.

Really interesting thread. I think many of us were like the OP many many MANY years ago. Lots of posts here from youngsters who HAVE the right attitude to compete in the horse business. I dont think the OP is one of them.

Just a quick point. Please please get an education so that you can support yourself if the horse jobs don’t materialize. He takes only a second to fall off a horse and break a leg, get in a car accident and injure your back permanently, so riding is not an option anymore. Always have a Plan B to be able to support yourself.

edited to add: sorry to add to this older thread, didnt catch the date.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I apologize for adding to it in the first place. But thanks for you input, I am certainly going to go to college. And I appreciate your support, instead of the usual harsh critic. I agree, I know I’m young, but I’m sure most adults now in the business felt the same way and were as determined and us youngsters. So thank you.


My parents were poor. Yes, we were actually POOR. A family of 4 living on $25K a year. We free leased a barn down the road that we cleaned up and turned into a 6 stall barn and built xc jumps out of fallen trees, and our stadium jumps out of scrap. My father taught the local PC kids and everything we had we worked our butts off for. People would drop off problem horses or we would buy $100 horses from the auction or word of mouth. I was lucky in that my father could teach me to ride and jump. But our horses were not fancy or heck even safe at the start. BUT in a year or less we would have those horses and ponies jumping around 3’+ courses for XC and jumpers and off they would go. Not for much, but enough that we could get a couple more at times and go to a few shows a year. Really it is not that hard to get a horse jumping around a 3’ course of jumps.

We had nothing other then the horses. Now I didn’t know we were poor, we had what we needed in our eyes.

When I was 15 I left and did my first working student position as there was no way my family could afford to have me be able to take lessons from a BNT. I worked my butt off! 7 days a week. From 5am to 10pm. I learned a ton. I mucked. I groomed. It was grunt work and I learned more in those 5 months then I could have in years. I then was lucky to sell a horse for a larger sum then we could have ever dreamed of , $18k. I was lucky in that my father let me stick all of that money into a made horse that due to the US dollar being stronger then CN at the time I was able to afford. I was 17 at the time. I stayed in Canada to be a WS for the owner.

I came back home to compete and was lucky to have my grandparents to help pay for shows. I was at that time working from 5am to 7pm training , teaching, and doing chores. I would then go work as a waitress at night.

I eventually was a trainer at a few different places. Still grooming, teaching, training, mucking etc.

Got injured. Got injured again. Got sick. Had to quit for 6 years. Built up a small buissness again. Now will be laid up for 8 weeks due to another surgery. Luckily am married and have my DH behind me all the way.

And guess what? I may have paid my dues, done the hard work, competed heavy, resold well trained horses, BUT due to time off I am going to be having to pay my dues again since I have been out of the scene for to many years.

So no matter what you are going to be grooming, busting your butt, and not always riding no matter what.

If one of my students said they could groom at WEF and their parents were going to let them I would tell them to get off their butt and DO IT! Not only would they learn valuable tools for horse care but chances are they probably could have found a way to take lessons while they were down there too.

This doesn’t have to be an either a horse job or full time non horsey job! You can have passion and not be doing it all day, every day.

Lots of trainers have a part time business and part time “real job”. I am a very dedicated ammature and I can FOCUS on myself, my riding, and my horse. I have time after work everyday starting at 3:30pm, weekends free. I’m not riding other people’s problem horses. Trainers never have any money to show or buy nice horses unless they have wealthy clients. That is hard to come by in this economy.

[QUOTE=Couture TB;6810844]

My parents were poor. Yes, we were actually POOR. A family of 4 living on $25K a year. We free leased a barn down the road that we cleaned up and turned into a 6 stall barn and built xc jumps out of fallen trees, and our stadium jumps out of scrap. My father taught the local PC kids and everything we had we worked our butts off for. People would drop off problem horses or we would buy $100 horses from the auction or word of mouth. I was lucky in that my father could teach me to ride and jump. But our horses were not fancy or heck even safe at the start. BUT in a year or less we would have those horses and ponies jumping around 3’+ courses for XC and jumpers and off they would go. Not for much, but enough that we could get a couple more at times and go to a few shows a year. Really it is not that hard to get a horse jumping around a 3’ course of jumps.

We had nothing other then the horses. Now I didn’t know we were poor, we had what we needed in our eyes.

When I was 15 I left and did my first working student position as there was no way my family could afford to have me be able to take lessons from a BNT. I worked my butt off! 7 days a week. From 5am to 10pm. I learned a ton. I mucked. I groomed. It was grunt work and I learned more in those 5 months then I could have in years. I then was lucky to sell a horse for a larger sum then we could have ever dreamed of , $18k. I was lucky in that my father let me stick all of that money into a made horse that due to the US dollar being stronger then CN at the time I was able to afford. I was 17 at the time. I stayed in Canada to be a WS for the owner.

I came back home to compete and was lucky to have my grandparents to help pay for shows. I was at that time working from 5am to 7pm training , teaching, and doing chores. I would then go work as a waitress at night.

I eventually was a trainer at a few different places. Still grooming, teaching, training, mucking etc.

Got injured. Got injured again. Got sick. Had to quit for 6 years. Built up a small buissness again. Now will be laid up for 8 weeks due to another surgery. Luckily am married and have my DH behind me all the way.

And guess what? I may have paid my dues, done the hard work, competed heavy, resold well trained horses, BUT due to time off I am going to be having to pay my dues again since I have been out of the scene for to many years.

So no matter what you are going to be grooming, busting your butt, and not always riding no matter what.

If one of my students said they could groom at WEF and their parents were going to let them I would tell them to get off their butt and DO IT! Not only would they learn valuable tools for horse care but chances are they probably could have found a way to take lessons while they were down there too.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100%. I think for a while I thought that it was all about the riding. But I am beginning to see that it is so important to learn every part of the industry. Your story is inspiring, and I admire you for that. My family has no money either, I work at my current barn to pay off board for my horse. If I had an opportunity at WEF to groom, I would take it too! Heck ya!

Maybe we should have a whole new section of the COTH board devoted to young girls who are “dying” to become professional equestrians when they grow up. That way the rest of us won’t have to read a version of the same subject again and again and again…:eek:

Between the fact this is a year old thread and the fact this OP posted very recently on an unrelated topic (term paper research) with a differing version of the home situation as well as…continuity problems…with information presented in earlier threads linked to within this thread?

Difficult to offer any advice that would be meaningful.

Waaat?!? A re-trainwreck? Within the same THREAD?! :eek:

As a side note, do you think the mods would go for the ability to highlight train wreck threads, so those of us who are bored at work on a Friday afternoon can easily find them? :o

Lol I say we all stop commenting on this thread so that it can go to the bottom of the threads, never to be seen again. This was my fault, I didn’t realize the date. Deal? Ok we are done here.

Lol I say we all stop commenting on this thread so that it can go to the bottom of the threads, never to be seen again. This was my fault, I didn’t realize the date. Deal? Ok we are done here.[/QUOTE]


OMG, this thread… :slight_smile:

Reminds me of one I started where I asked “What risks have you taken to get going with your horse business?” Or some such thing and all the replies where stuff like “don’t take risks, that’s risky. I never take risks.” LMAO. Ya well, those who don’t take risks and gamble every now and then on their dreams don’t lead very interesting lives. :wink:

[QUOTE=tidy rabbit;6811263]
OMG, this thread… :slight_smile:

Reminds me of one I started where I asked “What risks have you taken to get going with your horse business?” Or some such thing and all the replies where stuff like “don’t take risks, that’s risky. I never take risks.” LMAO. Ya well, those who don’t take risks and gamble every now and then on their dreams don’t lead very interesting lives. ;-)[/QUOTE]

As they say, YOLO! :lol:

Lol I say we all stop commenting on this thread so that it can go to the bottom of the threads, never to be seen again. This was my fault, I didn’t realize the date. Deal? Ok we are done here.[/QUOTE]
I’m guessing this one got bumped up from the “Related threads” box at the bottom of the page?

It’s like the refrigerator. You have to check the dates of the stuff you find in the bottom drawer. :lol:

I’m guessing this one got bumped up from the “Related threads” box at the bottom of the page?

It’s like the refrigerator. You have to check the dates of the stuff you find in the bottom drawer. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Thanks I just choked on my coffee! Which reminds me I probably should toss that milk I put in it…

Lol, I was on google searching for “working student/how to make it in the industry” type info, and I clicked on the link to the fourms, not realizing that the page was a year old. Haha.

I’m guessing this one got bumped up from the “Related threads” box at the bottom of the page?

It’s like the refrigerator. You have to check the dates of the stuff you find in the bottom drawer. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Lol, I was on google searching for “working student/how to make it in the industry” type info, and I clicked on the link to the fourms, not realizing that the page was a year old. Haha.

[QUOTE=Tha Ridge;6811280]
As they say, YOLO! :lol:[/QUOTE]

That is fantastic! LOL <3


SOML! :cool:

Waaat?!? A re-trainwreck? Within the same THREAD?! :eek:

As a side note, do you think the mods would go for the ability to highlight train wreck threads, so those of us who are bored at work on a Friday afternoon can easily find them? :o[/QUOTE]

Looks for threads that grow at a rate of a page and hour, regardless of the topic.

Stake in the heart of the resurrected thread. :slight_smile: