Being more comfortable while flat on back

I have now spent the better part of every day, for 5 weeks, lying flat on my back on a futon. It’s not particularly comfortable and was making my back hurt.

It finally occurred to me that this can be done more comfortably!

I bought a full sheepskin from Ikea laid that over a Supracor pad I dug out of a tack trunk

Now, my back is not nearly as sore. No wonder some horses like their fancy saddle pads!! :slight_smile:

Wow, I had no idea Supracor had expanded to saddle pads! My only experience with them has been with their wheelchair seat cushions, which are HUGELY comfy… suffice to say my backside objects to any other kind now… Pricey, but oh so worth it if there’s a need.

Hmm. think we could convince them to give saddle seat-savers a go, for those of us who abhor sitting trot?

Glad you found a way to be more comfortable!

Jingles for you ~ hope you are feeling better soon ~

Please try this!

OMG! Flat on your back is awful! You gotta lay with your knees bent. I suggest 2 big pillows under each knee! That straightens out your lower back so the “small” of your back is flat and supported!!! Knees at least 45 degrees!
When you lay on your side put at least one pillow between your knees too.

wateryglen,believe me…my pillows and i are well-acquainted by now! i have 10 different shapes/sizes that i put into various configurations. i’ve got a crappy lower back that only ever feels good with my knees bent like you describe.

my right foot is supposed to be above my heart during this healing period, but lord love a duck, that’s tiresome! especially for a side sleeper.

i get up more and use the foot more than i should, but this inactivity drives me nuts.

on a positive note, let me just also add that a snuggie is a must-have and that the therma-tek machine is a blessing.

Take some of thoose pillows stack them on top of each other where you will be putting your feet, then pull the blanket over the top of the pillows put your feet just at the edge but not on the pillows. The pillows stacked with the blanket over them forms a tent wich keeps the blanket weight off your feet and legs, because the weight is off your feet and legs there isn’t a pull on your back muscles or your leg muscles, your muscles can then relax.

Ice your back about twenty minutes before you want to sleep. I ice mine
by sticking an ice pack under the elestac in my flannel pants, the elastic
helps hold the ice pack in place, I even do it while wearing jeans thus my hands are free too.

I hope you are feeling better soon.

kls,i had no idea about the wheelchair pads. cool! that supracor stuff is comfy.

gdolapp, thanks for the info and well wishes.

my check-up was a mixed bag today. healing well, but still no weight-bearing. next check up in 3 weeks. he’s concerned that if we don’t give them a good long time to heal, the fractures could go very arthritic and require a fusion surgery.

i’ll go with the long time off my foot, thanks!