Bemer blanket

If you want only the neck wrap, you will need to buy it with a battery on the neck wrap.
Respond Systems allows you to order each individual piece with it’s own battery. I chose to do a single battery (on the blanket) and then I connect each piece with a cord, as seen in the picture.

When I bought mine a few years ago, it was $795 for the neck wrap (with no battery).

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So, i bought the Bemer blanket and cuffs, i m pretty excited about it, Hope my horses will love it!!!
When you first started using it, did you start with thé 5 min program ? How long before switching to the longer programs?
Thank you

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I don’t have an issue using program 1 or 2 in the body ever, but 3 makes one mare agitated. I would do program 1 a couple times in a row and if that’s fine with your horse, try p2 the next day. P3 I really only use for acute issues and sparingly.

I don’t own one, but my dear friend does.

You use it before or After riding?

Initially, my horse didn’t understand/like it and would try to buck it off, so for sure start at 1. I don’t remember how long it took to get to 3, but he LOVES it now. I think your horse will tell you.

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Did you put thé first Times the blanket and thé cuffs AT the samedi Time?

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No, I actually started w the orange Bemer that didn’t cover the entire body and did not have boots. When the new one came out, I bought it. Now I actually hang it on him sideways….with the front draping on one side and the back draping on the other. I do his body in two sessions this way. He wears the boots during one. When it shuts off, I move it and put the boots on his hind legs. Some horses in my barn couldn’t have cared less and started on 3. Start low, go slowly and observe your horse.:grinning:

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I started with both on 1. If your horse never wears boots of any kind, maybe start with just the blanket. My horse was tolerant with both on for the first time, but she is also pretty chill.
For after or before riding - I use it after, but I know a lot of people use it before! We generally do it after strenuous work at competitions or when we want them to relax a bit. If you have a cold-backed horse I could see it being very helpful to use before riding.

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My friend and I just went halfsies on the blanket :slight_smile: We were able to do it bare bones and get it as just the blanket, no cuffs or neck thing.


Your Bemer rep should be guiding you. Do you have any specific issues you hope to help with the Bemer?

Mine introduced me to the mantra “Start low and slow.” She had me start with program 1, for a full week, then 2 for a week, then 3 for a week, then back to 1. I did want to help my horse’s breathing (seasonal allergies triggered heaves). Cuffs were used after the. blanket initially, so the horses could get used to the Bemer thing. When they were relaxed about everything, they could be used on the legs at the same time. I specify legs because I use the cuffs (program 1) on my horse’s lungs after the blanket comes off.

My regular routine use still follows the one week per program cycle with the blanket. Cuffs for lungs are always program 1. I’ve been doing 4-5 sessions per week for over two years. The cycle sometimes gets interrupted in the summer heat. On really hot days I run program 1 just to minimize the time wearing the blanket.

For specific use I will choose different programs. Pre/post trailering I use program 1. When I used the cuffs to target his injured stifle I cycled through the programs. When I had a painful colic I used program 3 on the blanket, and after that completed ran program 3 on the cuffs on either side of his belly. For a sore back I’ll run 2 or 3 on the blanket, and use a cuff (after the blanket) setting based on how painful the area is. For a horse that flipped in the trailer I ran program 1 twice.

For a horse tying up (mid endurance ride - I drove the rescue trailer) I ran program 1, followed immediately by program 2 when the. horse looked more comfortable. Remember the programs are not just different lengths of time. They use different series of frequency variations. Sometimes running program 1 twice is better than running program 2. The guidelines from Bemer suggest no more than 30 minutes total run time in 12 hours for one horse.

Don’t stack cuffs and blanket (run both at the same time on the same area). My rep had another client do that and the horse’s back muscles seized.

Bemer has another saying “Bemer before the ride is for the rider; after the ride it’s for the horse.” Meaning to use the Bemer before helps the horse warm up and be easier to ride, and use after riding, the Bemer helps the horse recover faster and better.

You can also ask the horse how they feel about a program by starting the program and holding the blanket up beside the horse. Watch their response. I used to ask the fourth chestnut if he wanted a Bemer session by doing that. Sometimes he’d give me a definite “No.”

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