I just bought a laser blanket for my horses. Pricing on lasers have come down quite a bit in the last year or so.
I’ve treated 6 different horses and all so far have benefited. The most improved are horses with old injuries or surgery.
Specifically my mare who had spay surgery just shy of 2 years ago. Wow what a difference for her. Extremely more relaxed all day and much more available under saddle… to the point of (if used prior to ride) be super careful here you could violate her and make her much more sore. I’ve found treatment after workout and the day before her days off to be better applications.
Also a clients horse who is doing the GP and has some old compensatory issues from an accident when he was a foal. He could literally live in this blanket… I think his facia was so tight you can almost hear him say thank you. It’s literally shocking how well this works on him. He is very emotive and would probably go to work with a broken leg so we work very very hard to keep him as comfortable as possible. (He also gets weekly magnawave treatmemts)
The other horses I’ve treated it’s all been for management of well being so for them it’s been more where each of them are weakest in their bodies. So one tends to get little sore in low back he finds most benefit to do the back. Another gets sore/tired in the thoracic sling and neck so I do longer up there.
Buying the blanket just made it easier to get the horse done in a more useful time frame.
I’ve always loved the laser as for me it’s the best modality for my body. I went from taking Advil and robaxin regularly (almost daily) to doing about an hour per day of laser and I feel much better doing the laser then the drugs.
The blanket was expensive but bought it thru Amazon so I knew I could return no question in 30 days if I didn’t like it. I bought the Thermotex for about 2500$ the neck was more at 500$ but after spending a week with the blanket I didn’t hesitate to buy the neck. Laser is 660-880nm which is shown with research to have the best results for going about 2” deep.
My personal hand held is 660-980nm with pulsing so I can still do joints or super sore spots. I bought it for just a few hundred $ but I use it on myself and my husband daily so it’s more then paid for itself in savings not buying meds…