
I was beyond disappointed when I opened this thread only to realize that it was NOT about Bernese mountain dogs


@beau159 How does the price of the Respond system compare to the Bemer set?

My guy is also a sensitive one.

There’s not really anyone to do it while I’m not there but I could do it after the ride easily.

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15min before your ride might be a bit tight but I got a system going. I would quickly brush my horse, throw on the Bemer for the 15min cycle, then pick feet, get my tack out, put on boots or wraps, get myself ready and by then it was usually only a few minutes before the Bemer was done and I would swap it for the saddle, throw on the bridle and off we went.

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Is there a certain issue that your horse has? Mainly, I wonder if you will be able to tell a difference in only a month based on what you are looking to get out of it.

I think that is key too. PEMF is not a cure-all for everything. But, for the right thing, it can help a lot. I feel it has been the most beneficial for soft tissue injuries and for generalized prevention of inflammation. In my world, mostly barrel racing, it’s really common for horses get to sore in the hocks and stifles from the demands of the sport. Might not have any changes on diagnostics (xrays or ultrasound) but you know it’s just wear on tear on joints. So I figure if I can keep the inflammatory response under control from that wear and tear, then I can hopefully inject less, and keep my horses feeling better longer. So far … it’s done that. We’ll see how next year goes.

It was pretty comparable in the grand scheme of things. I think it came in a bit more but only because I chose to add on practically everything (neck, legs, hocks) so I could do that full body treatment at a time.

I had very good customer service with Respond Systems, as far as answering my million questions when I was deciding what to buy.


The Respond blanket looks quite nice. One question I would have is weight. My horse is 16.2. I can barely get the new style Bemer on him because it’s heavy and I’m short. The old Bemer was much lighter. I almost sent it back because of that but I’m glad I didn’t.

Thanks! It sounds like I might have a mutually beneficial situation worked out to buy a Bemer and rent it to the bodyworker at my barn to offset the cost. But if that doesn’t work out, I’ll definitely consider the Respond system.

As an aside, the bodyworker has been kinesiotaping my warmblood mare and it has been working wonders on her in a relatively short time.

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Yes, the Respond blanket does have some weight to it and it is a little cumbersome. I feel like I have figured out a pretty good system / technique for everything and it’s not a problem.

If you an get a saddle on your 16.2 horse, you can get the blanket on them. :wink: Use momentum.

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I have a friend that is a rep. She did me and my horse before and after all of our Iron Person Equathons this year (think endurance race but I do the race on the horse, horse passes the vet check, then I get off and run the race). I don’t know how much difference it made with my horse because she’s weirdly stoic but I definitely feel like it shortens my recovery time

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