Best arthritis medication or supplement

Going in for my 9th or 10th surgery on my ankle and leg. This one is to remove the hardware that is causing pain and also to lengthen my calf muscle. There is however a TON of arthritis in the ankle. Was wondering if anyone has had a good medication or supplement that you have had luck with

I take a ton of them but am not sure which is best. Maybe Lubrisyn (from Amazon), glucosamine/chondroitin/msm chews from GMC, Tumeric capsules.

When things are bad - 75 mg. Voltaren tablets twice a day, Pennsaid topical gel or Voltaren topical gel or wrap the area in a Flector patch.

I’m so very sorry to hear about the rough time you are having! Many well wishes to you.

I am still riding even though I was recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I am 65 and have been riding all my life. When I was younger, I loved to buy young horses, break them, and teach them to jump. Over the years I have broken practically every bone in my body even though I am a good rider and always wear a helmet. Last fall I broke my knee and arthritis set in it. I could not even walk. After three months I could walk and ride again but in a limited capacity. I have been taking Tylenol for Arthritis and Alleve. They help some but arthritis has now set into all those old injuries from when I was young. I refuse to quit riding and still have two horses, but I have started taking dressage lessons, which are easier on my knees. I am going to an arthritis doctor today to find out my test results. I am also going to a pain management doctor next week to see if they give me some medication to help with the pain. My husband wants me to quit riding, which is unacceptable. I’d rather “die with my boots on”. I also purchased a dead-quiet Paint mare who is only 4 but jumps and is generally wonderful. I also have my show horse, an OTTB who is 8. He can be spooky and really needs a young and healthy rider because he is used to being ridden almost every day, and I can’t work him hard enough. I hope you find a doctor who will help you. Riding with arthritis is hard. However, i can’t be without a horse. It would kill me. I hope to get some pain relief when I see my doctors. I will let you know what I find out. Good luck dealing with arthritis! It is literally a pain!

second the lubrisyn/- relief quickly and lasts all day. even my old dog takes it for bad hips.

drifterlee, are you aware that the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is different than osteoarthritis (from wear and tear and aging). I hope you are seeing a rheumatologist who will put you on a disease modifier. NSAIDs have their role in treating RA, but they don’t stop the joint damage that RA causes. Only a disease modifier can do that.

I first developed intense symptoms in spring 1997, then was diagnosed with RA in January 1998. I had a good rheumatologist who put me on disease modifiers early on. Because of this (and to some extent luck), I have very little joint damage. Which is not to say that I don’t have pain–I have lots of that. But I still have all my OEM parts–no joint replacements yet, and I’m hoping to keep from having to do any.

I was lucky in when I developed the disease. Biologics were just becoming available, and today there are so many more med choices than were available even in the months before I was diagnosed.

Good luck to you, and let me know if you have any RA questions.


P.S. I still have one horse, whom I recently retired. I found I just couldn’t ride any more, and had taken up driving in 2003. It was a great way to stay active with horses given my physical condition. Now I’m done altogether, but driving bought me 13 more years of horses.

Hi: I went to my rheumatologist yesterday and she put me on azulfidine (sulfasalazine) 500 MG twice a day. I also have an appointment with a pain management doctor next week. I am googling the medication right now to see what it is. Thanks

drifterlee, sulfasalazine is a disease modifier. It’s one of the first meds used for new patients because there are less potential side effects versus some of the other meds, and it is much less expensive. It’s a good first med.

Hope it works for you!


Diclofenac (aka Voltaren or Arthrotec) 75mg is my lifesaver. If I haven’t taken it in a while, I’ll take it twice a day until things calm down, then once a day.

I tried Lubrisyn, but I could not handle the texture or flavor and quit after a couple of days. It’s like bitter, fruity snot. If I were in more pain, I’d probably be more willing to push past the grossness.

I’m 75 and have osteoarthritis. I’m still riding and what helps me is naproxen alternating with tylenol and occasionally ibuprofen. I try to have at least 2 days nsaid free per week as I know it is not good to take it everyday. I’m going to have right hip replacement in January and have high hopes for it. The one thing that by far helped me the most was when I went to colorado for a relatives wedding and a nephew gave me a toke of that powerful stuff they have out there and I danced the rest of the night pain free. I don’t like to inhale anything so I am hoping that eventually I will be able to get something orally legally.

I tried Lubrisyn, but I could not handle the texture or flavor and quit after a couple of days. It’s like bitter, fruity snot. If I were in more pain, I’d probably be more willing to push past the grossness.[/QUOTE]

I stir into club soda and chug. It doesn’t really dissolve, but it’s not unpalatable that way.

I wonder if the people version is more liquid? The horse version has thickeners in it.

The sulfasalazine is making me very nauseated, which is one of the side effects. Will that go away?

I stir into club soda and chug. It doesn’t really dissolve, but it’s not unpalatable that way.

I wonder if the people version is more liquid? The horse version has thickeners in it.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about the horse version or human’s Lubisyn?

Is the horse stronger than the human?

People’s comes in regular or grape flavors, anyone have a preference?

“I tried Lubrisyn, but I could not handle the texture or flavor”

Oh no, did you have to say that! I agree but was trying to pretend it was OK. :wink:

I guess I have to push on with it, too much pain. So far, I don’t know if I see much benefit from it but I’ve only been taking it for a few weeks. I guess it takes longer.

I have the regular flavor. I think it is raspberry, maybe fruit. The flavor is o.k. It has a glycerin base. I’m not fan of that but I guess it keeps you from spilling it out of the tablespoon as much as if it were more liquid.

drifterlee, are you taking it with food? IIRC, that is a med you can take with food, and that does help.


Is the horse stronger than the human?[/QUOTE]

Actually, looks like the human version is stronger–6 mg HA/1 mL vs 5 mg HA/1 mL.

I didn’t do the research at all prior to purchasing. It’s actually far less expensive to use the human version too:

[TABLE=“width: 566”]
[TD]mg HA/mL[/TD]
[TD] Price (Amazon)[/TD]
[TD]Quantity (oz)[/TD]
[TD]Quantity (mL)[/TD]
[TD]Total HA[/TD]
(100 mg HA)[/TD]
[TD] Price per 100 mg HA[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]5[/TD]
[TD] $ 86.68
[TD=“align: right”]32[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]946.24[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]4731.20
[TD=“align: right”]47.31
[TD] $ 1.83[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]6[/TD]
[TD] $ 67.99[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]34.5[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]1020.17[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]6120.99[/TD]
[TD=“align: right”]61.21
[TD] $ 1.11[/TD]

Really pretty odd that the Lubrisyn people make up different but so similar strengths.

People could really save some scratch by using the people product for their horses.

^^^ Really superb info. Thanks, Simkie!

I take a ton of them but am not sure which is best. Maybe Lubrisyn (from Amazon), glucosamine/chondroitin/msm chews from GMC, Tumeric capsules.

When things are bad - 75 mg. Voltaren tablets twice a day, Pennsaid topical gel or Voltaren topical gel or wrap the area in a Flector patch.

I’m so very sorry to hear about the rough time you are having! Many well wishes to you.[/QUOTE]

I did not know they made Lubrisyn for people. Will look into it!

I wonder if the people version is more liquid? The horse version has thickeners in it.[/QUOTE]
I’ve only tried the people version… my dad got it for himself, so I tried it. Yuck. Honestly, if the horse version is thicker than the people version, it might be better. Maybe you could pretend it’s pudding. The people kind is undeniably snot-thickness.

I think it’s supposed to be like raspberry flavored. It’s not. It’s just gross.

I got it on Amazon, just fyi, Couture. IMO, it nothing you’d drink for fun but it’s tolerable.

Best wishes.

Nope, the horse version is still snot. But not bad if you stir into a glass of something (I use club soda) and knock back quickly.