I remember a while back there was a special fly sheet recommended for sheath protection for geldings suffering from sweet itch. Can someone send me the link? Thanks!
Anyone else? thanks!
I would use a repellent with known effectiveness against culicoides like lemon eucalyptus oil or deet if you can’t find a reliable sheath cover.
REPEL Plant-Based Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent, Pump Spray, 4-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004N59OFU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EQ3RNF3NMQEDGMV7ZAY4
I recently bought some Repel to try because the culicoides are horrific here this year (to the point that I coat midlines with SWAT daily and the horses still get bitten bloody). The Repel didn’t seem to do anything either. Going to look into that sheath cover!
Has anybody used any of the Snuggy Hoods sheets in hot, humid climates?
A friend of mine has one of these for her old man horse and it held up for at least one summer of group turnout before he passed. They can pee right through it.
I wonder if you’re in an area when the species of culicoides are less resistant to OLE, and would be repelled better by DEET? There are lots of good scientific articles on this topic.
I have also noticed that by supplementing copper and zinc in the diet my horse’s itchiness level overall was lowered, and that, combined with the OLE in Repel (applied every other day) cured his relentless chewing of his midline which was scabby and bleeding when I started.