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Best head lamp? How bout those ball caps?

I have no specific recommendation of a brand, but I do have a bit of advice.

Whatever you pick, make sure that the light beam is able to be directed towards what you will be working on while allowing your head and neck to remain in a comfortable position. I learned that lesson when I spent lots of money on a headlamp for doing surgery, and all I got out of it was a very sore neck and back within a half hour.

I use the Streamlight Bandit headlamp. There are a few versions but I prefer the pro version and I got it off of Amazon. It comes with a headband but I use it clamped on my ball cap or other brimmed winter hat. The headlamp tilts so you can adjust it straight ahead or down, and it has two light settings.

Amazon.com: Streamlight Bandit Pro - Includes USB Cord & Elastic Headstrap - Black - Clam : Tools & Home Improvement

I have the energizer brand headlight. I fit it on over my baseball cap and can direct the light because it has a pivoting head.


I have an Energizer one that clips onto your ballcap brim and it’s kind of iffy. If you have heavy enough hair that you can put in a pony through your hat, it’s not bad. Otherwise, it’s so heavy that it just pulls your brim down. What’s nice is that it has two brightness settings plus a red light, I picked it up in town meaning to use it for messing with chickens in the dark.

I love my Fenix headlamp. It has a band that goes front to back to prevent sagging. I’ve had it for a few years and it is by far the best I’ve ever had. It takes a strange size battery so I think I had to buy a special charger for it - I don’t remember if the charger came with the lamp. It’s expensive but whatever I paid for the headlamp, charger and second battery was totally worth it! This isn’t the exact one I have, but looks similar https://www.canadianoutdoorequipment.com/fenix-hm60r-headlamp.html?sku=HM60R&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvoqsBhB9EiwA9XTWGZzIn-GJJ8bI7uPoSXOcIDqQmhvwPnn99wucM7wtrS94L_FVs73nGBoC0pAQAvD_BwE

love my new headlamp from Eddie Bauer. you can charge the battery - it is very bright and comfortable.

I bought one of these based on your comments.

I haven’t used it yet, but for the price I’m sure it will be fine. I want to light up the path to,the barn . Think it could help with security too

I hope you like it as much as I do, @Hayburner :slightly_smiling_face: