Best outdoor pet food container? Do share!

I keep the dry food for the barn kitties in a Rubbermaid container, a 16 or so quart box with a snap-on lid. Either the cats or one of our local pests (possum or raccoon) will frequently knock over the container and get the lid off. I’ve tried bungies to secure the lid but only I seem to be inconvenienced by this!

The containers I’ve seen with screw-on lids seem to have pretty small openings. I’d like to be able to dump the bag into the container without needing a funnel or a miracle. A box like I currently use but with better latching would be ideal.

Any great products? Links/pics would be great! Thanks.

We tried everything to secure barn cat food too, but once the critters know it’s there, you’re doomed. Vittle Vaults were ok in the beginning but got chewed into from the corners over time. Same with anything else plastic. We then tried one of the mini metal garbage cans with a lid deliberately bent so as to stay on tight. HA! A determined coon literally got a running start and FLUNG himself at the can to knock it over and dislodge said tight lid. Nom nom nom.

We finally had to put the cat food in with the horse feed in our dead chest freezer. Maybe you can find a small cube freezer that has croaked. The cubes don’t take up much room at all and make for some extra counter space. is a good place to start.

Can you keep the barn cat food at home and just take over every day in a container what you need for that day?

We had coons make holes in the roof and on the door and the wall on the side of the door to any room where any feed was stored and then trash the room.:eek:

Raccoons can open screw top lids too. We used to store the cat food in an empty pool chemical (well washed) container. The raccoons managed to get the lid off. I now store the cat food in a metal garbage can in the tack room with the tack room door closed at night.

It’s never been racoon-tested, but the short metal garbage can I keep the bird seed in is difficult for me to open - I have to grip it with my feet and yank up on the handle. I got it at Lowe’s for about $12, it holds maybe 20lbs of bird seed.


Pricier than a trash can but we’ve had the same one for six years. It still looks new. Lid can be screwed on really tight.