Just what it says. I’ve listed on several sites, including Craigslist and I’ve hung flyers in feed stores. Just looking for other ideas. Thanks!
If you do dressage or hunters, maybe on the local GMO website/newsletter, and in the program of any local shows.
We have a regional “paper”, the California Horse Trader, I sold my old trailer there pretty quickly.
I discovered that Facebook groups seem to be where it’s at for buying/selling all sorts of things. There are FB groups just for trailers. Some are nationwide, and some are regional. Search FB for “trailer for sale group” or something similar and you should find lots.
I used Facebook and Craigslist, and got far more responses from Craigslist. Maybe try a nearby, more populated region? Most of the interest in mine came from Jersey, instead of more local.
Thanks for all the advice. I did post it on FB, Horsetrailerworld and Craigslist. I live in a very horsey area, but I could expand to other horsey areas in my state.