Best places to put linement on horse?

I have a horse who frequently jumps 3’3-3’6 and does lots of strenuous work. What would be the most important areas for me to put linement/ cooling gel?

Knees and hocks down, rubbing briskly but gently to get it into contact with the skin. Do a patch test first in case he’s sensitive.

You can put it anywhere (more or less) as a rinse. I do a liniment rinse several times a week in the summer when they are working hard. I use either Vetrolin or the arnica rub I make myself. In the winter before I ride I put the arnica stuff on my guys’ backs, under the saddle area, and afterward I’ll do legs, back, neck, and hind end.

best place? do not know. but i do stifles, hocks, cannons front & back, and SI region for good measure.

I use a liniment wash for a great all over use.