Best saddle for EDS/Bad joints?

I have been doing lots of research on the best saddles for bad joints and Ehlers Danlos but would like y’alls opinions. I am on the shorter side (5’2"-5’3") and ride mainly hunter jumper with some dressage schooling. Right now I ride in a Pessoa Close Contact (not sure what kind because I bought it used) that’s 16.5". It works okay but I’m very achy after riding for long periods in it - especially in my hips. My mare is a 14 hand, Welsh/Quarter Horse cross with semi-high withers. Any suggestions on what saddles to try/look into? I’d like to stay in the price range of about $1,500 or less (used or new).

Winter Dressage Pro. So comfortable! I’m a broken & joint issues body, too. Nice and light for you and the horse, too. I’d put a fuzzy fleece seat saver on it for a little more cushion and some comfortable stirrups. Well wishes to you.

I’d try the thin line seat saver before you change saddles. It helps with reducing compression for the rider