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Best sites to sell "working ranch" or "Reiner" horse

Hi - I am not a western person so need a little direction. I have a 7 year old quarter horse for sale. He’ll be priced in the low 5’s - he has all the reiner moves but would be a fantastic working ranch horse (from what I’ve been told). Where should he be listed? I know about the western Reiner facebook page - I also did dreamhorse. Can you guys give me some other sites? I’m from the HJ world so I’m pretty clueless where western people go to find horses for sale. TIA!

What part of the country are you located in?

N. California

Has he shown, does he has a record of some kind, NRHA, AQHA?

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We’ve used Performance Horse Central to buy and sell cutting horses. I know they also list reiners and cow horses. It’s a pretty popular site with a lot of traffic. Good luck!

Performance Horse Central, Reiners World, Got Cow Horse

There are a ton of reining groups on Facebook that have sale horses on them. I’d just type in “reining horses for sale” and see all the groups you can find.

You might also consider finding a trainer to help you sell him as well

I think he’s won some money but again super new to reining as we’ve only had him for a year. He is with a trainer who has listed him on one facebook page but the trainer said I could list him anywhere I’d like so trying to be proactive about getting him sold (: The suggestions have been super super helpful!!

Equine Trader is a good one.

If you have a lot of Reiners friends, a Facebook ad and asking for people to share it works well. Be covert about your ad so it’s not taken down.

There’s a million reining for sale groups on Facebook. Depending on his breeding, you might qualify to post on Elite Reining Horses.
Reining Horses for discussion is also a good one.
Finally, depending on budget you might have good luck posting in a group for horses for sale in your area.

Showing is where we had to hang signs These Horses Are Not For Sale as we did a lot of breed specific shows and opens…

If you give me his registered name I’ll look up his results for you. There are quite a few sites on Facebook that you can list him on, Elite Reining Horses, Reining Horses for Discussion, Nonpro Reining Horse, Reining Horses of Quality to name a few. I hope that helps.

Performance Horse Central, Ranch World for websites.

Though I stick to mostly FB groups these days. If he’s a reiner, then you can do a lot of the reiner based groups. If he’s going “reining moves” in the sense of VRH/CH type stuff - Ranch Riding/VRH, Ranch Riding, Rach Trail Horses, Cow Ponies and Ranch Horses, High End Ranch, Reining, Cutting, Cowhorse Resale, Cow-Reining-Ranch Horses, ISO Ranch Riding Horses, Ranch Ads, SHOT/RAnch Horses for sale, etc. If he’s seen cows before, you could add the cowhorse groups.