I know there are old topics on this but I wanted to start a new one since there are so many more new options these days.
My horse is shorter-backed, slightly downhill, has well sprung ribs, no withers, and a forward-girth groove, so it’s next to impossible to keep the saddle from traveling forward. Yes the saddle fits him quite well. I’ve been using an older County anatomical girth and while this doesn’t fix it 100% it does work better than a straight girth. The only thing is that it’s very very hard, with no padding or softness to it.
I didn’t think much of that until recently I was borrowing a straight girth that was made out of that like fleece/breathable fabric with elastic because he had a tick bite on his girth area. It didn’t do a great job keeping the saddle in place but I did notice he was less girthy with it. I’ve switched back to the old County Logic and he is more girthy again. So I’m trying to find something that is maybe a bit softer and maybe even with some give or elastic of course I do have to have it pretty tight so I’m more focusing on the softness.
Does anybody have recommendations on a soft anatomical girth for a forward groove? Have they improved the Total Saddle Fit ones? I tried that a long time ago and it was gaping too much in the front. I also see there are plenty of other options out there so not sure which I should try. TIA!