Best topical pain relieving strategy for muscle pain.

I am a HUGE believer in TENS units. Mine was not expensive and has done wonders. I also take Magnesium supplements to help with muscle health and pain. You can also do magnesium packs or epsom baths.

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I do epsom baths, take a book and soakā€¦
I have found Voltaren really does help, but best of all our heated mattress pad. Put it on about 1/2 hr before bed and ahhhh.
I have found I sleep more soundly, and the pressure points in my hip and shoulder get some relief.

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I have a heated blanket, rather than a mattress pad, so I can kick it out from under me if I get too hot.

Voltaren emulgel is good for acute flareups. I like horse-strength MSM gel for more regular maintenance of a tendonitis flare (I have it in both elbows and both wrists) once the worst of the initial flareup is under control.

Epsom salt baths are the BEST though. I add essential oil too. Lavender for headaches or anxiety, peppermint for aches and pains, eucalyptus for cold or flu, etc.

I also have arthritis-strength icy gel (it absorbs better than mineral ice, but is equally as cooling) for summertime pains, and tiger balm or absorbine jr (the absorbine absorbs better, I find the tiger balm leaves a greasy film on my skin) for winter aches.

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For muscular pain I use Life Flo magnesium oil. A bottle is less than $10 and lasts quite a while.

Biofreeze if I have it, Aspercream if I donā€™t, and lately Iā€™ve been hitting the DMSO again. It makes your breath STINK, so I only use it if I think Iā€™ve really done something, but boy does it just burn the evil out!

And an essential oil called Armor ā€” pain instantly gone! Question, though: for all the products noted on this thread that knock out pain. Do they actually heal the issue thatā€™s causing the pain?

Ch![](na Gel [h=1]What is China-Gel[/h]
China-Gel is a natural unique herbal formula of time proven ingredients developed and clinically tested in a leading acupuncture - pain control clinic. China-Gel is a greaseless therapeutic gel that incorporates modern technology with the ancient pain relieving concepts of Chinese medicine. [h=2]How Does it Work?[/h]
When applied as directed, China-Gel stimulates the bodyā€™s endorphin response to pain and reduces the pain - producing ā€œP factorā€ in muscle tissue, thereby lessening pain and discomfort, and enhancing healing. The deep penetrating effect offers long lasting cool-to-warm soothing relief. [h=2]Pain?[/h]
Donā€™t let aching muscles or joints keep you from enjoying your life. China-Gel can help. An herbal topical pain reliever, China-Gel helps to relieve muscle aches and joint pains. It contains menthol, camphor, ginseng, angelica, lavender oil, witch hazel, and aloe vera. It does not have a harsh or medicinal odor but rather a soothing and relaxing aromatic scent.

Massaging it properly into the skin will help to stimulate circulation, initiate the pain relieving endorphin response, and eliminate lactic acid (or ā€œP factorā€) in muscles tissue. This allows the muscle to relax, thereby lessening pain, discomfort, and enhancing healing by utilizing the bodyā€™s natural methods of pain relief.

Resembling a fine hand cream, China-Gel dries completely as it absorbs into the skin, so it does not have to be wiped off and will not stain clothing. The scent dissipates as the gel absorbs leaving behind quick and lasting pain relief.

China-Gel is clinically tested and used professionally by chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists, in hospitals, spas and health clubs.

China-Gel helps to relieve pain associated with: arthritis, bursitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, tendinitis, and other joint and muscle pains. [h=2][IMG][/h]
[h=2]Use China-Gel Forā€¦[/h]

Advertising post reported.

Trameel. They use it on the Grand Prix horses. If itā€™s good enough for a million dollar horse, itā€™s good enough for me. You can buy it at Health Food stores and on-line.

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I have arthritic joints, very arthritic thumbs and fingers, and am waiting on a knee replacement. Iā€™m an ageing-not-so-gracefully overweight out of shape rider. Diclofenac (prescription Voltaren) was very pricy, and only worked until I moved one of my arthritic joints and then it stoped working. Now I use the Young Living Ortho-Ease massage oil. I add 2-3 drops of the Panaway with one pump of the Ortho-Ease and it keeps me pain free much longer than any of the prescription meds! Oil my knee, rub it around my hands, take a Robaxaet and Iā€™m good to ride!

I reach into the tack trunk and grab the Absorbine Gelā€¦ the same stuff I use on my horse. For me, it works better than Biofreeze or Voltaren gel.

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Teds Brain Science pain cream is something new and different-
and WORKS in a way that most other things have not for me. I have constant muscle pain from probably EDS

Iā€™ve dealt with lower back pain for years and itā€™s of course even worse after a day of riding. I use Absorbine Jr. for my lower back and also my hands which tend to tense up. Plus when you roll it on your skin before an outdoor ride, it keeps the gnats away. Itā€™s my one stop shop and extremely affordable.

I just bought this from a dealer at a local Tack Swap/Sale.
It does help some with my bone-on-bone knees & knuckle joints & smells good.

Yesterday morning I torqued a shoulder shoveling muck & applied Recovery.
Today the shoulder is near 100% - for a late-60s muckraker that is a great outcome!
I am usually too frugal to spend as much as the small vial cost ($25) but after 2 weeks using liberally & almost daily on knees the bottle is still near full.

Iā€™ve been plagued for a few weeks with elbow problems, which is totally new to me. I really donā€™t know what I did but I suspect itā€™s just repetitive movement from when I was working at the barn mucking stalls, carrying water buckets etc.

My usual go-to creams, arnica gel, Voltaren and even PranarƃĀ“m aromalgic roller, are not working on this :frowning: .

I bought a ā€œhot creamā€ from Amazon which is a blend of essential oils menthol etc., and a 1000 mg hemp-based cream with MSM, arnica among other things. If I religiously apply it 4 times a day (I alternate between the 2 creams) I find it works very well.

Iā€™ll probably have to go see an orthopedic doctor at some point sigh

I have not read the thread :D, but has anyone tried ā€œDry Needlesā€? (google it ā€” it is not the same thing as acupuncture;.It worked great for me.

I am blessed to not have been bothered by much pain in my life BUT NOW, as age has caught up with me, my back has occasional flare-ups. I was hit with a sciatica attack about two yrs ago, and it was hell on earth. My dr. gave me oxy and it didnā€™t help at all, so she gave me muscle relaxers. That helped a lot, but I couldnā€™t drive. Now I do have occasional flares, actually, it is almost always a presence in my life. Not bad, just, ā€˜hello, Iā€™m hereā€™, sort of thing. I had a friend give me some of the cannabis cream and it was amazing! I am still looking tho, I will keep this list as a good reference point.

Hi Larksmom,

I used to have flare-ups of sciatica.

When I discovered homeopathic combination remedies I ran into several labeled ā€œSciaticaā€. This was a few decades ago. I started taking them (it only takes one drop or pill in spite of the directions on the package, [by reading homeopathic literature and by my experience]) and these remedies worked for me, I would take a few drops during the flare ups, then stop taking the remedy when the pain stopped. There are several manufacturers with slightly different combinations. The first decade I had to use these remedies rather frequently as I would have a few flare-ups a year. Over the decades I would need fewer drops in a year, until lately when Iā€™ve just needed one drop in the last three or so years.

DO NOT use these remedies all the time as a preventive. Use only during the flare-up and when the pain stops STOP TAKING THE REMEDY until the next flare up or the remedy will stop working at all.

I have MS, my muscles can get into spasms and I used to suffer a good bit before I ran into these remedies. Nothing my MDs gave me worked as well, and I do not suffer side effects with the homeopathic combination Sciatica remedies as I did with the doctor prescribed medicines.

If you drink coffee or do mint teas, candies or toothpaste, wait at least 10 minutes before taking the remedy.

These remedies are rather cheap (under $20.00 US) and, according to the volumes of homeopathic literature Iā€™ve read, keep their potency for a long time. I still use some that I bought almost 30 years ago and they still work.

Jackie, thank you for your kind answer. But I am unsurprisingly, confused. Did you mean the CB oil? or other mixtures?

Hi Larksmom, the homeopathic remedies have nothing to do with CBD oil or other topical remedies, though they can be effective by skin application.

The homeopathic remedies go from low dilutions (like 6X) to high dilutions (like 30C to 200C) [the X dilution is 1/10th, the C dilution is 1/100th, the number in front of the X or C is how many times it was diluted and potentized by vigorous shaking.]

The low dilutions are for quicker results, the high dilutions for results that come from my body doing the healing work. All the ingredients in a homeopathic combination remedy go from a 1X dilution to a 200X dilution. I am not sure which particular homeopathic sciatica combination remedy worked the best for me (I have several), but I do know that sciatica used to bother me regularly, and that the flare ups persisted for weeks sometimes. Now, like I said earlier, I think my last flare up was around 3 years ago. I have other pains, but the sciatic pain has gone away and rarely returns.

The sciatica homeopathic combination remedies Iā€™ve used go from the 3X to 6X dilutions, to one with 200X dilutions. They are usually in a water/alcohol base though some use little sugar pills to carry the remedies. I found most of them in health food stores. Each combination remedy has a list of symptoms for which it can work, and I pick the remedy according to how close my symptoms are to the list of symptoms. My symptoms and the symptom list do not have to agree completely, but at least one of my symptoms has to appear on the bottle/box.

One thing Iā€™ve noticed is that when I feel less depressed or even happier after Iā€™ve taken that one drop (or pill) that the remedy will work for me. This is also validated by what Iā€™ve read in the homeopathic literature. The only times I take a second drop is if I start hurting again, and if a particular homeopathic combination remedy does not work after the third drop I take I just go to another of my 5 or 6 Sciatica remedies Iā€™ve accumulated since 1993.

With homeopathic remedies the ā€œuse by dateā€ is nowhere near as important as it is for regular medicines. I have combination remedies that are over 25 years old that still work. This means that in the long run these remedies are MUCH CHEAPER than regular over the counter or Doctor prescribed medicines, especially since I stop taking the remedy once it has worked. DO NOT take these remedies regularly or as a preventive; if you take too much of a remedy for too long a time it will quit working. With homeopathy less is more.

Just look for a homeopathic combination remedy that is called SCIATICA. There are some homeopathic combinations remedies labeled PAIN that include sciatica in the list of symptoms, these can also work for sciatica.

I hope these remedies can give you relief from sciatic pain.

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