Best type of SI Stabilization belt for under breeches?

I finally went to see a sports medicine Dr about some chronic (and frustrating) hip pain. Not actually my hip, it’s my SI. Apparently in a very common place for riders… (she sees a lot because of the area we’re in… she could also tell me which side my horse was likely crooked on… she was right… :no: )

I’ve been given a plan, but she recommended an SI Stabilization belt when riding over the short term while we resolve the problem. There seem to be all sorts of different styles out there - any reco’s on types that work or don’t work under breeches??

IN short, NOPE

That is a joint best stabilized by muscular strengthening. ANY type of “stabilization belt” IMO at best provides a bit of compression to the skin, providing a bit of sensory input which “decreases” the amout of discomfort from the actual problem.
Kinda like putting sports balm on a sore muscle.

Medical Mike
Equestrian Medical Researcher

I am pretty sure I am dealing with the same thing. Most likely will end up heading to PT but that means a trip to the DR then most likely an MRI so it might be a few weeks. Can you give us some exercises in the meantime Mike?

Yes, I am currently doing PT for an SI joint problem. I think the general consensus is to strengthen the muscles, ligaments around the joint.

These are what seem to help me:

  1. Lying on your back, knees up, feet on floor with a ball between your knees, & squeeze for 5 sec. Start with about 15 reps.

  2. Lying on your back w/ knees up again w/ a theraband (or stretchy belt) wrapped around your legs just above your knees. Take your knees apart for 5 sec. then relax, again about 15 reps.

  3. Lying on your back, bring knees up this time. One hand above one knee, one hand below the other knee, then push against your hands (one knee is pushing forward, the other is pushing back). Hold for 5 sec., then switch hands to switch the direction of your push. I do this about 3 times & really feel it in my Si joints.

I would love some more strengthening exercises for the si joint area if anyone has them. Stretches help me too, especially piriformis stretches, but some stretches I’ve done seem to make things worse, so be careful!

Per the original post, this is actually PT recommended, ONLY for riding, and only for the short term while we get the area strengthened, again through pt planned exercises.

But yes, it is just a balm. I am aware of that. I actually found one and was much less sore after riding with it - sometimes “balm” needs to be part of the program…

I recently read up on some ankle braces I was considering…don’t underestimate the value of wrapping/taping/bracing for increasing proprioception.

You can spend a lot of time, pain and frustration working your muscles ineffectively due to the suboptimal movements your brain was telling your body to make…that could be what caused the injury in the first place! It’s all well and good for a physio to TELL you that you need to move correctly, but if you can’t see/respond to the specific thing they are telling you, and immediately revert back to your original patterns…well, time to start considering other things. Feldenkrais, Alexander Theory, Body Talk, Yoga…they all incorporate elements that lead to the same idea, you can teach your brain new patterns of movement by initiating a sensory stimulus…in other words, the movement triggers the brain, as opposed to the brain attempting to trigger a movement.

If a brace helps you to perform activities in a more correct manner, then it isn’t hurting. JMHO. As someone who spent several cumulative years in physiotherapy and has had more ridiculous contraption braces designed and built for me over the years than anyone could want…

On the other hand, if the brace is causing pain, or preventing you from working your muscles correctly, then it isn’t being used optimally either.

I have been in PT for over a few months at this point and am wearing my SI belt a lot. My PT gave me a Serola Biomechanics and I ride in it all the time under my breeches. As I ride a couple a horse each day, I found wearing a thin long tank, like a beater helpful for skin integrity purposes. I usually readjust it after a ride or two.

I really like the Serola SI belt. It works and is easy to put under your clothes. I don’t think I have ever worn mine over clothes.