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Best UTV trailer system for manure dumping??

I’m looking for suggestions! We are in the process of building a small private farm. It’s on tiny acreage in California so we haul away all of our manure in a dumpster. The best scenario to keep our driveway from cracking is to put the 4ft tall dumpster at the top of the asphalt driveway which is a pretty steep hill. We have a RV pad there. This means stall cleaning will be a royal pain and not incredibly accessible. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of good fixes here. However, what I can do is find a utility vehicle with a trailer or a bed to make it a little easier to dump trash and manure every day. The key is that the dumpster is 4ft tall, so ease to getting manure into the bed/trailer is key and getting the heavy manure from the UTV into the 4ft dumpster is also key. I’ve seen UTVs with trash cans in the back, but not sure how easy that will be for me to dump into the dumpster if I’m not high enough. But if the bed is too high it will be hard to get the trash cans into it. Hopefully, someone has a similar scenario and can share their wisdom! I prefer electric but am open to suggestions.

Someone needs to invent a light human sized trailer with a winch on it to allow the manure drop out. Kind of like a poo version of a rickshaw. That way we could pull it to the pile and dump - so much easier!!

Get one of those little tractors with a FEL and use that to clean stalls and go dump manure in the dumpster?


Those tractors can have mowers they pull or belly mounted and you can do so, so much more with them.

They really do need more inventions around this! :slight_smile:

I actually have a JD tractor, but even though it’s a decent size, the loader doesn’t hold more than a big trash can of poop. That would be a real pain going up and down instead of doing one trip with something that holds 3-6 trash cans. I was hoping I could find Something easier to use because I will hand it over to someone when I’m gone. My tractor is too expensive and destructive when not paying attention to hand over to a new helper. Thanks for the input!

You can get pallet points for your tractor and put a pallet on it that would help hold more manure buckets:


Watch the video, those points attach to the bucket and if you add something between them, like a pallet or such, you have a platform.
Then you can lift the bucket so you can dump from high enough with little effort.

Whoever is cleaning when you are not there to run the tractor just will have to fill manure containers less full so it can dump from gator bed height.