Better than pallets for hay storage

Do you know anyone who has used these for hay storage? I pounded the net and found people saying storing on rubber mats or conveyor belts created more moisture.

I store hay on rubber mats over concrete - no problems.

I found 6 mil polyethylene sheeting on Craigslist for cheap - $60/roll (20x100). Thoughts on using this versus EPDM? Does anyone know?

6 mil is the same thickness of the cheap blue tarps we buy that fall apart after one season. I dont see that holding up long term :/. You need something that is designed for outdoor use. Have you called local roofers?

I left probably 6 messages and no one has called back. I’ll continue calling more. Good to know on the sheeting. I’ll forget that idea.

Are you in mansfield? If you go to that cashmans place just get more mats? Build up the area with stone dust and then lay the mats then pallets? How big of an area are you using for hay and is it walled on two sides? What shaped area? Post pics darnit lol!

Yes, easy for me to get to Cashman’s. I could get mats I guess -cost would add up it seems. No pics as barn is being built soon - just waiting on builder. Hay will be stored on concrete. The area will be one side of a 24x60 area (something like that).

Not walled on two sides. Hay will sit on one side, up against that wall (but it will be reinforced for the hay) and I’ll have a walkway on the other side - 12 feet or so. Does that make sense? I can’t find a drawing right now. Things are out of control. I now know why people talk about insanity building a barn…and working full time.:no:

Kinda? I totally get it with working though. It took forever for me to get my 20x36 carport barn and then the fence up lol. We moved in may and pony did not come home till october. So how much hay are you storing at once and how high are you stacking it?

There is this place in columbus?

Also search “epdm” on fb marketplace in your area. A few listings pulled up just outside a 20mi search near mansfield :slight_smile:

No, they appear to be in NE Indiana so hours away one way. BUT, in the time of COVID a road trip might be nice. I’ll check it out. Thank you Carman!:yes:

I know it’s reviving a 9 month old thread, but I just wanted to a) say thank you for posting this idea and b) reiterate how awesome it is! We just moved to Minnesota and I’ve been in love with the rubber roofing material.

For those still looking, I called a local roofing contractor who specializes in flat, industrial roofing. I asked if they had any scrap sheets they were looking to get rid of - he had a 20x40 folded up 6mil of roofing material and offered it to us. We tried to pay him but he told me he was just going to have to throw it away and was happy it would be used…! Might be an idea :slight_smile:


You beat me to it Randomequine. Yes to those of you still looking for rubber roofing membrane, find the closest commercial roofer in your area and ask if you can have scraps from roofs they’re redone. I got three sections each about 15’X20’. HEAVY sons-of-guns, but perfect for my hay and to replace my pond liner. Oh yeah, the owner was thrilled to give them to me, and helped load them in my truck.


So happy the roofing material idea has helped people!!! I still have yet to do the other side of my barn with built up gravel and then the epdm and pallets! Covid and just the wet and rain has killed allllllllll my projects! @PaddockWood how are you and how is it going? Between work and personal issues around here I have not been on in forever it feels like! Boys are still fat and sassy though!

Hello and reporting in from Paddock Wood! I never found the EPDM but found old threads on COTH where with NEW concrete it was recommended to double layer pallets - up 8" off the ground. And that was Tamara in TN who grows hay and others. We were a new build with concrete so went that route. I have/had 350 bales over an area of 12x60 with aisles in between windows.

Very cute pony there Carman. All well here and having fun. Even in the cold.

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Thats great! I’m glad you found something that works for you!!

Bumping this up to ask a question. I just got my hands on some EPDM (thanks to this thread, yay!) and am trying to figure out how best to use it. My hay storage building has a concrete floor so I’ve been storing hay on pallets but the bottom layer still often gets moldy. I cleaned out all the old hay chaff from the floor and pallets, then cut the EPDM to fit and laid it on top of the pallets. However, walking on there is now precarious because you can’t see where the slats are. I’m nervous about removing the pallets and putting the EPDM directly on the concrete. I also don’t want to shell out for a plywood floor on top of the pallets. I don’t want to put the EPDM under the pallets either. I’m thinking I might look for some sturdier pallets with tighter slats. Suggestions? I’m feeling a bit of urgency because I need to have hay delivered in the next week.

I wouldn’t use any pallets or plywood. Simply put the epdm on the concrete. No stumbling on pallets. No picking pallets up and cleaning them. Simply sweep off the epdm if you are concerned.

That is the beauty of the thick rubber vapor barrier. I drive on mine to pick up round bales - that was the driving force to find a solution that didn’t use pallets.

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Okay, thank you!! Maybe I will try that because I went and found better pallets and it still feels like a death trap. Do you think I should seal the seams with something? I left plenty of overlap, like 2+ feet.

I simply overlapped by 1-2 feet.

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