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Beyonce and horse

So I am not necessarily a Beyonce fan but much intrigued with her new album and the concepts behind it. I did see this pic this morning; it is obviously not a real action shot, but: Somebody (AI?) doesn’t know how horses’ legs work at the canter :rofl:


I didn’t notice the horses legs to start with. I was too struck by sitting that way and cantering would be next to impossible.


Whaaaat? You’ve never seen Reverse Sidesaddle? :crazy_face:
Seriously, I couldn’t unsee the future horrendous chapping in her nether regions ; /

While I’ll admit I don’t dislike the Hold 'Em song, some of the lyrics are sketchy.
Bitch is used in a refrain, but I swear heard the C Word once. Really?
I’m not a fan normally, has she always been a user of woman-disparaging lyrics?


I’ve done some moves like that but never intentionally.


lmaoooooo facts

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  • Where is the bit? the ring is there.
  • What is going on with the reins?
  • Why is the stirrup there?
  • Where does the girth go?
  • What gait is that, tro-canter?
  • No saddle pad?
  • Is the saddle slightly slipping to the left?
  • Her cheeks must be really strong to grip like that.
  • What is her right foot heel in?
  • I am a fan of using electical tape for a quick fix, but its all over that bridle. (over the head stall and the brow band)

I am not a massive fan of her’s or Jay-Z, but he is jonesing for a grammy so bad, he is trying every angle possible.

The Horse Screamer does a funny bit about this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4vTJMOO8GY/
(for those without insta, its the same image with the text below)

“EVERYTHING I know about horses, I learned from THE HORSE SCREAMER.”
-Beyoncé, obviously
This is such a proud moment for me to see one of my students break down barriers and show the world just how amazing NATURAL horsemanship really is.
Everyone knows that when you are loping and trotting your horse at the same time, it is so important to make sure you focus on EVERYTHING being NATURAL. Obviously.
If you want to feel closer and become one with your horse, riding without a saddle pad and without pants is a great place to start.
I typically recommend wearing @kimesranchjeans , if you don’t enjoy chaffing and rubbing like you have never seen, but sometimes being natural is more important than being comfortable.
You may be wondering how anyone could even stay in the saddle at that gait in that position. Well, it’s because Beyonce learned from me and her position is just soooo natural.
She obviously has the same all natural blonde hair styled just like mine, hashtag woke up like this and hashtag no makeup, so that obviously helps her ride more naturally.
She obviously doesn’t even need a single foot in a stirrup, because her bare cheeks are naturally gripping the leather of the seat of the saddle.
This beautiful grey roan palameno stallion was unridden and untouched before this all natural photo was taken.
With the help of my amazing all natural training techniques, Beyoncé was able to take this wild mustang and carry a flag while riding him side saddle, with some knotted split reins, in a dark arena, under a spotlight.
This ain’t Texas, but it’s so beautiful and so natural. Obviously.
I could not be more proud to see such a beautiful display of my all natural training techniques. I’m sure that she gave that good, good boy so many TREATS. Hopefully ALL the treats!

(The Horse Screamer is a satire account who is obviously the best barrel racer and natural horseperson ever.)


I keep squinting at this and can’t decide if this is AI or badly frankensteined photoshop. Maybe a mix of both.

Regarding the hind leg- I wonder if the designer found a photo of a horse cantering and some creative director/marketing lead didn’t like how all the legs are angled forward at this stage. So they requested a leg sticking out behind to fill the space and make it look “balanced.”

And they need the padding on the left to give the horse somewhere to run to (cramming the head any closer to the left border would make things look cramped.) But album art is a square format. So they have to squeeze other things accordingly. That might be why the tail looks so small/short as well.

At least, from someone who works in marketing design, it wouldn’t surprise me. Accuracy is sometimes sacrificed for aesthetic.


The album, the pic, the promo campaign … this seems to be a “Because I Can” concept. Not looking for approval from anyone.

Given the long twisted history of the Grammys, I doubt this makes a dent.


I think it’s poorly done photoshop. If you compare the size of Beyoncé to the horse, either that horse is 20 hands or Beyoncé is like 4 feet tall.
If I had to guess, they photoshopped in most of the horse to make it look like it was galloping when in reality she was just sitting in a set room.


The Beyonce’ image looks like a doll to me. The horse looks like an illustration or drawing.


I feel like it’s supposed to look like a toy…like a Barbie on a wonky model horse. It makes sense after you see the other Barbie-esque promo picture. Those of us who tried to have Barbie ride a Breyer horse know that crooked sidesaddle was about the best you could do.



@alpine1 Thanks for that :dizzy_face:
Love the arrow pointed at where her cameltoe should be :crazy_face:


Ohh maybe. Even the Barbie’s on the Barbie horses look off. Maybe there’s some sort of deeper symbolism to the photo.