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Biceps tendonitis - therapeutic ultrasound?

Hello folks,
Any suggestions on this. Has any one used therapeutic ultrasound?
You know those machines you can buy online for home use?

I did 6 weeks of physio to no avail, also had a steroid injection which made it worse.
I will call the ortho this week to see if I can perhaps get an MRI to get a better diagnose.

I considered shockwave, but to the tune of $2.750, I’m hesitant, plus I worry it could make me even more sore.
Ortho explained to me he’s using high energy shockwave, not comparable to the low level used in equine machines or at physios.

Nothing relieves the pain really, no amount of Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, topical DMSO etc.

I used a cold laser to no avail as well.

Since the ultrasound machines aren’t overly expensive, I was thinking of trying that?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Have you looked into trying a TENS unit? You can get a good unit (not the drug store kind) pretty inexpensively. After having TENS treatments by a physical therapist for both back and shoulder issues, I bought a unit. I have found that TENS really works great when you need pain relief.

get a second opinion and someone who will do the MRI

without proper imaging you really cannot get anywhere, particularly if you are really experiencing referred pain from the shoulder, not directly in the biceps

I have a TENS unit, but it actually makes the pain worse, so I stopped using it.

True hoopoe, I need an MRI, will go and see the ortho again.