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Big Ass Fans

I can’t imagine a fan 10 feet up sucking down hot air from the barn ceiling, as you asked about.

I just had a conversation about fans with a neighbor who builds covered arenas. His own arena has 3 BA fans mounted in the ceiling. Obviously he is not a fan of call-backs just to repair or replace fans, so reliability is paramount. Followed by huge blades for moving a lot of air. Evidently years ago BA fans were not sold directly to consumers. It does make me question if the reliability of a BA fan from Home Depot is the same as an older BA fan back in the day of sales only to builders.

Not surprised at all though that a replacenent fan motor costs almost as much as a whole new fan.

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if it makes any difference, i purchased directly from big ass fan company. I had all my questions answered over the phone with a guy there. Decided to go a little bit overboard and ordered slightly larger than recommended. And one more than suggested too. The guy there said the motion sensor wasn’t indicated for my application. Very helpful people.

Oh, and he said to just leave them running 24/7. They will be fine running all summer long. :)…for five summers at least
They have a 5yr warranty. I’m ok with that. Would be twice the lifespan as my barrel fans.

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