This horse has been driving me nuts.
He is a 16.2 QH barrel horse, that competes a couple times a month. Worked consistently but nothing very hard, a lot of out in the field/trail work to keep his mind and raced 1-2 times a month.
Beginning of year was eating around 18-20 pounds of mixed grass a day and cleaning it up. The moment he started cutting back and leaving hay we treated him for ulcers. 30 days later, no change in diet. Brought him into clinic and scoped him, he has clean and ulcer free. Vet suggested he was just cutting back because the miserable heat.
Fast forward to today, this big boy eats maybe 12 pounds a day and leaves hay! He has hay in front of him 24/7. Same hay supplier (have tried supplying extra just to see if he would eat something else, nada) Had hay tested, adjusted ration balancer to make sure he is getting enough vitamins.
He’s on prebiotics, probiotics, and Ugard for GI support. I did start adding alfalfa pellets as well but he’s only getting about 2 pounds and leaving the rest.
Hes lost weight, but not ribby, looks more like an off the track tb. Definitely not the round QH that he is normally.
How in the world can you convince these horses to eat?! Ive never had one not care about food. How can a large performance horse maintain off of 12 (ish) pounds of hay a day!?