Big Toe Joint Fusion surgery - talk to me about recovery???

So, obviously I wasn’t blessed with good feet genes. I’ve had 3 foot surgeries on my left foot, including Bunion surgery when I was 13, that needed screws and pins to fix. The last surgery was supposed to clean out the scar tissue in that same joint, but the day after I got out of my blue shoe, I started riding again…galloping racehorses…and a horse reared up and landed on it, breaking a bone…or two. So…fast forward to present day. My right toe/foot has been hurting for a few years now, but now it’s gotten to the point where it hurts 24/7, no matter what shoes I wear, or don’t wear. I can barely move it, and there is always swelling by the joint.

So…is this fixable, and if so, how long is the recovery? Years ago when I had my Bunion surgery, I was on crutches for quite a while, but I assume things have improved.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Update - I went to the Dr today who said that I have arthritis that is just about to the bone on bone point. He wants to fuse the joint, which barely moves anyways, but I am a little freaked out about the recovery. It’s 4 weeks in a cast and crutches, and at least 4 more weeks in a walking boot. Has anyone had this. What about riding afterwards? TIA.

Have not been thru this but have had broken metatarsals(2 at once). That was 6 weeks cast and crutches, then 2 weeks walking boot. Once back in shoes I rode pretty quickly. Everything in/on the feet seems to be the same sort of recovery, lol.

No doctor here but this sounds like a lot for arthritis. I’d consider a second opinion…Cant hurt, this is not quite to emergency level so there is time.

Also - if it were me, living in Fla I’d prefer to do surgery and recovery over summer months. Winter’s too nice here to waste in crutches. Perhaps some injections could get you thru if you wanted to go that route?

I have friends who have had foot surgery at The Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC (highest ranked orthopedic hospital in the country) for what sounds like similar problems and as I recall recovery took quite a while. Both were in considerable pain before the surgery and while recovery was tough they are glad they had the surgery. I recently visited HSS for a consult on a issue with my second metatarsal. If its in the realm of possibility I would recommend getting a consult appointment with one of the foot/ankle surgeons there.

Thanks! I’d rather wait, but unfortunately, I’m loosing mny insurance in January, so I just can’t afford to wait. This is teh surgery that the Dr is wanting to do:

I had Bunion surgery when I was 13, qnd have had many other surgeries, so I’m not worried about that, but the Dr said I’ll have to be on blood thinners, which has me a bit freaked out. I’m trying to envision never being able to move my big toe again…I know there are worse things out there, and end the end, I’m looking forward to being able to walk without pain.

Can’t believe all the problems you’ve overcome…reading this makes me stop complaining about my feet!

Oh goodness - my issues are small compared to others out there too! I’ve always said that there’s always someone out there who is better off then you are, and someone worse off then you are.

They do joint replacement on toes. My friend had the joint on her big toe on her right foot done. Her recovery was pretty quick and she is very happy. Would this be a possible for you rather than fussing?

The big issue is the upcoming loss of medical insurance. If you do the fusion, then it should be a one time event.

Yes, what she said. According to my Dr, folks who are young and active have longer lasting results with the fusion, then with joint replacements. I should be getting my iWalk tomorrow though, and I’ll report back here on how that goes!

OK. The ![](Walk was AMAZING. Truly the best money that I have ever spent.

For anyone else considering this surgery, here are my first few weeks of recovery:

So…My surgery to fuse my big toe joint happened on Nov. 9th. Along with having it fused, I also had my pinky to fixed, which had ended up being a hammer toe, after a horse crushed it a few years ago. Anyway, here’s my basic timeline, for those who are considering having the surgery:
Wednesday: This was taken just after I got home:…/14993437_10210691681…
I didn’t have any pain at all, with the block still in. Due to a medical condition that I have, I cannot take Narcotics, so all I had was Toradol, which I went ahead and took a few hours after I got home. The block started to wear off, on my pinky to at first, and I woke up pretty uncomfortable around 12:30 AM, and never got back to sleep.
Thursday: This was taken in the morning. At this point I was taking Toradol every 6 hours on the dot, using my TENS Unit, and using Ice behind my knee almost all the time. It was getting pretty bad. By that evening I was in misery. The pain was awful, and I was having muscle spasms to boot. It was not fun.
Friday: I ended up calling my Dr. who called me in some Valium to take at night.Even though I only got a few hours of sleep, my foot was actually feeling better, and I was able to take a shower - using a shower chair, and spray wand, with my foot hanging out of the shower. I have to say, it was better then…well…it was good. We even went out for lunch, and I have to say that a Margarita works quite well at controlling pain.
Sat: After taking Valium Friday night, I woke up feeling like a million bucks. Using my iWalk, I went on several errands with my best friend. Pain wasn’t really that bad at all. At this point I was taking Advil only.
Sunday: I went to church, using my iWalk and crutches. Went just fine. [IMG]
Monday: First Post-Op Appointment. Again, I went using my iWalk and Crutches. My Dr said that my foot and Xrays looked good. He did wrap casting around my toes, using a Styrofoam cup to protect them, to protect the pin that was still hanging out of my toe. (the red vetwrap you see in the other picture, was what my friend did, to wrap a finger splint around my toe, to protect the pin) The Dr said that our Macgyver splint was a pretty good idea!
Tuesday: Went to my Bible study. Going out still tires me out, and this new cast was starting to really hurt.
Wednesday: At this point, my foot is really starting to hurt. I’m sure it’s mostly because I do too much, which causes my foot to swell up.
Thursday: My foot is back to throbbing, and I can feel where it is rubbing. My Dr - God bless him - works me in. Xrays look good, but he says my foot has more bruising, and swelling then he would like. I’ll post a picture of what my foot looked like without the cast, in the comments, but here’s the new cast he put on:…/15027796_10210770226…
He also took the pin out, chich oddly enough, didn’t hurt a bit. He also wrote “sit down” on my cast. Funny.
Friday: Went to a Bible Study today, and used a wheelchair to get around. Much easier then crutches. I love my iWalk, but being on Blood thinners, my knee is bruised, and getting a bit sore.
Sat: Went to an early Family Thanksgiving Dinner. Riding in the car for a few hours had my foot pretty sore, but again, it wasn’t too bad. Used my Crutches and iWalk to get around. Started putting some weight on my foot.
Sunday: Went to church, using my Wheelchair. Moved my stuff from my parents house, back to my own (we live on the same property) using a wagon and my iWalk. I have to admit, in my house, I have been walking some without crutches. Probably not good, I know, but my foot feels better now, then it did before surgery.
Monday: Hung out with my friend. Pain wise, I am taking nothing. Went out to see the horses.
Tuesday: Woke up with a Migraine, which had me in bed all day. Not fun. Thanks to Amazon Prime, I at least have groceries in my house.
Wednesday (today) Am having to remind myself to use crutches. At this point, I am ready for a boot, but I don’t see my Dr until Dec. 1st. I’m sure he will be thrilled to see how dirty the bottom of my cast is. I know, I know…I’m a horrible patient.
Anyway, so, that’s been how my first two weeks after surgery have been. Obviously I have a very high pain tolerance, which is great, but not so great when it comes to keeping me off my foot.

I went back on Nov. 29th, hoping for a boot, but my pinky toe was badly infected, and my joint was still a Non-Union, so he put me back in a cast, for another two weeks, with strict instructions not to put any weight on it at all.

When I returned though, I was FINALLY placed in a boot and told I could walk, but to let pain be my guide. I have to wear it for two more months, but at least I can bath, and shave. My foot still swells up if I walk too much, and it does hurt, but it’s mainly the top of my foot, and ankle that hurts the most.

So, that’s where I’m at today.