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Billet/girth mystery with Wintec Pro Stock saddle

This is one of those dumb issues where I feel like there’s either a simple solution right in front of my face, or there just isn’t a solution. Here goes…

I bought myself a Wintec Pro Stock saddle for Christmas and absolutely love it, kinda. For those of you unfamiliar with this particular saddle it has dressage billets, very long…dressage billets. Both of my mares are very similar in saddle fit (got lucky with that one huh) and with our regular dressage saddle we use a 38" girth.

So the day my Wintec came in the mail, I groom up one of my girls, fit the saddle with the appropriate gullet, go grab my 38" dressage girth…buckled on the highest hole it’s way too loose. Understandable as the Wintec has longer billets and flaps. I took a few measurements and decided to order a 30" dressage girth. This is the smallest girth size I can use without the buckles being too close to my horse’s elbow. However, even with the 30" buckled on the highest hole, the saddle is still a bit loose. Over the wintertime it wasn’t an issue because I was using a sheepskin halfpad and girth cover, so the bulk of those helped snug up the fit, but now it’s gotten too hot & humid for that bulk and I don’t know what to do!

I looked online and couldn’t find anyone else having this issue. Punching more holes isn’t a great option because it will put the buckle underneath the flap, but it’s the only solution I’ve found so far. Any suggestions are appreciated because I’m kinda dumbfounded over here!

I use a 22" wintec dressage girth with my Bates Pro Stock. Nothing wrong with a shorter girth.

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Forgot to add my 38" was way to long for the Pro Stock saddle.

If you want to use the saddle it sounds like you must use a thicker pad or shorter girth

Toklat CoolBack are thick but not terribly hot It comes in an CoolBack XL Australian Contoured style also.


If you have to go with a shorter girth see if this company has an english girth buckle cover, like the western one second from the top.


Sounds to me like if you want to use this saddle you will need to get a shorter girth. Not sure why this is a mystery?

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