Hey guys, i’m in search of a new bit and am not sure what type of bit would best fit these qualifications, so i’m wondering if you guys have any recommendations.
- Preferably a pelham since i do equitation, but it’s not a necessity
- has leverage to keep my horse in a supple frame and engaged in the hind, but also not too strong as to make him behind the bit or reluctant to move forward
-On the softer side, my horse is a pretty sensitive guy and actually gets fussy and more “up” with strong bits - but it also needs to have some woah power, since he can get pretty strong and wound up in the show ring.
i know some of those points contradict each other but i guess i’m trying to find something that’s in the middle. ive found he’s not much of a fan of french links, and the shorter the shank of the pelham the better. i need something that allows me to stay out of his way but also have reinforcements if necessary. thanks!