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Bit Search

I used this bit on my horse awhile ago and he was amazing in it. Problem is, i know NOTHING about it and i cant seem to find it anywhere. It looks like a billy allen shanked roller bit but the roller is like a barrel roller almost??? The mouth piece is smooth, and has copper lines on the inside not to mention the giant roller. Im at a loss and any help is greatly appreciated. Ive included a picture so hopefully that helps!

Looks like there’s a makers mark. I can’t tell what it is from your picture but maybe you can? Or if have access to the bit you can read it.


The mouthpiece looks very much like a Myler. They do custom work and this might be a special design. I suggest that you call Myler directly (https://mylerbitsusamarshfieldmo.com).

Or perhaps better yet, send this photo to their email.

Good luck.

It looks somewhat like this bit. Kind of hard to tell in the photo with the bit on the bridle. https://www.bigdweb.com/reinsman-all-around-bit

Looks like a broken mouth curb with roller and copper laced, sweet iron mouth. Had one at one time back in the dark ages. The “ sleeves” on the shank where the mouthpiece attaches are to avoid pinching the corners of the mouth. Should be some from various makers around, its a nice choice. Mine was from a custom maker but got it used.

As Aces_N_Eights mentioned looks like there’s a maker’s mark. It almost looks like the top letter is an M, and I found this Maheu with a Billy Allen and a similar big roller design. (Obviously this is a hollow mouth snaffle but the roller is pretty distinct so went based off of that.)


I’m impressed - I think you’ve got it, Leather!

Good digging!

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That’s a Billy Allen mouthpiece. Very common in the western world (my first step into a bridle from a snaffle for my young horses) and come in a variety of roller sizes. The mechanics of the bit allow each bar to move independently from the other making it ideal for still riding two handed as you transition a horse to being one handed in the bridle.
Mine is the one pictured below….I find some horses don’t like big hardware in their mouth (the fatter roller) and some love it.

This exact Maheu bit is currently on Facebook in High End Tack Auctions.

Anyway you can get me the link to one?
