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Bit shopping for the uncomplicated young horse

Seems almost silly to make thread about this, but I am actually having a pretty difficult time finding a bit for my uncomplicated horse. I had him in a 5 1/4" loose ring double jointed snaffle bit that was too big, but can’t seem to find the same bit in stock in a smaller size. Seems to be some trouble with the supply chain.

I’ve ridden him in lots of different bits and he’s been pretty good in all of them. I’ve tried him in eggbutt and loose ring snaffles and rubber mullen mouths and he’s taken to all of them well.

So what’s in stock? What do you like? Budget around $150 and would strongly prefer somewhere with a good return policy.

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The Neu Schule tranz angled lozenge bit seems like a good starter bit. I have one in an eggbutt, but if your horse was happy in a loose ring, you can get that version, or the NS Teamup loose ring. You might be able to get a trial from Dressage Extensions.

All I use are KK snaffles - it’s important to get the cheek size and the width of the mouthpiece that fits his/her mouth. Most love them !

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Sprenger Turnado

Hypostore has a great selection of KK-like bits for about €35 - I got this for my baby whose mouth is very low and she loves it. I don’t know about returns but at this price…

Loose ring bits


If he’s not picky I’d just do a cheap oval mouth loose ring. Then save the $$ for down the road when there is a particular thing you want to address with bitting.

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OP, you are quite blessed (and probably have lovely feel/body awareness, plus some good horsemanship) to have a young horse who is uncomplicated in his mouth. I try to have/make these kinds of horses. It makes my life easier and cheaper. IME, that extra 1/4 inch doesn’t matter too much, so if you have a bit that he says he likes, don’t worry about the size.

I have liked, especially and recently, for dressage horses, Stubben’s anatomical bit. It’s about $80 and I think Smartpak has it in a 5". But I tend to like an extra 1/4" in a loose ring and in an anatomical bit.


I like this bit because it’s not too fat for a small mouth. The curve makes it comfortable for the horse to “pack” or carry himself in his mouth. And I like it better than, say, the Neueschule Verbinden bit because’s it’s a tad heavier. I think that gives the mouthpiece some stability and predictability when it’s lying on their tongue. But I’m just speculating here, and pretty wildly so, LOL.

And I hate my Verbinden-- it’s too light for my light breeds-- so if any of y’all want to buy my 5.25" that has been in a mare’s mouth just once for less than I paid, hit me up.

I agree, actually like my Verbindend but it has a very specific use, for a horse that gets heavy and too low in the poll. Nobody in the barn is currently using it, but at times in the course of training I drag it back out for a few weeks. Not a bit for a horse just because.

Lots of horses seem to like this simple $30 choice as well: https://www.smartpakequine.com/pt/jp-korsteel-oval-mouth-loose-ring-6446?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=NB_Shopping_Tack_MBL_3P&utm_campaign=NB_Tack+>+English_Bits_MBL__3P&gclid=CjwKCAjww-CGBhALEiwAQzWxOr4FbXJxFg3yEKNkkrqUIYT475QBahRxz2oO4Kn-3Ui6m_GD4IwGYxoCkwgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds