Blanket Appaloosa missing Douglasvile, GA 7/28

Our newest horse, a black blanket appaloosa (faded out to brown summer coat) has gone missing from our pastures on Pool Rd in Douglasville. She’s very skinny, we rescued her just last week from a bad situation. We’ve called the sheriff (one of our boarders is a sergeant and is on his way to help search) and are calling all the neighbors. Our pasture backs onto miles of woods, so she could be anywhere. Right now, I’m hoping for help searching. If anyone is free today and can help look for her near Post Road in Douglasville over to Highway 5 and 166 we’d really appreciate it. Please email me at info at legdewoodstables dot com if you live closeby and can look.

Will post updates if she’s found.

15 hands
black blanket App with a small white star and three socks.
Very, very skinny.

Thanks in Advance.

She has been found. She fell in a creek over night and has passed. Poor thing, we just rescued her a week ago.