It’s become clear once I started blanketing that the blankets act as insulators against electric fencing. Mayhem ensues. Blankets are 100g Rambos with hoods.
At this time there’s only a strand of hotwire along the top wooden board. Clearly there needs to be more–yesterday I watched as the 2-yo leaned on the wire while craning his neck over the fence. I immediately tested the wire in that exact spot–5.2 kV.
Would running 1.5" tape ~2/3 of the way down (between bottom and middle boards) keep horses from challenging the fence, because their legs would contact the tape? Or, what about running a strand of wire along the top that sticks up (vertical insulators) so that they hit it with their nose? I can’t run tape on top because of deer.
And/or, should I up the zapping power? The Gallagher solar unit on there now maxes out at ~5-5.4 kV. To get anything stronger I’d have to run an extension cord out from the barn to use a plug-in. Would increasing the kV to 7-8 solve the problem (go through the blanket)?
I also saw in an old thread the suggestion to hang a piece of electric tape on both sides of the blanket in the chest area so that when horses lean on the fence current is carried to the other side of the blanket.