We are a boarding barn with an indoor arena. A few years ago, a boarder brought her gelding here for outdoor board. She barely rides but often has two to three part boarders on the horse. One thing I noticed almost right away was that her horse is very stiff when it is ridden and often very reactive to leg. It often kicks out HARD, especially in the canter. More than once, it has kicked the arena wall when being ridden at the canter. One time it left a sizeable dent, another time the sound of the kick spooked another horse so badly the rider was thrown off. I have asked the owner for the safety of her own horse, the rider, other riders, and my arena walls, to please ride him on the second track. Since she barely ever comes out, I asked her to also tell that to her part boarders. Today, one of her part boarders (a new one, she goes through many because of the horse’s behavior) was riding the horse at a canter and it kicked the wall so hard he put his leg right through it. Luckily he seems okay, but to fix this large hole, I need to rip out an entire section of the arena wall, replace it, and paint it. The white walls have faded slightly so there will be no way to color match the arena without repainting the whole arena so I’m either stuck doing that, or having a section of my arena look completely different. And I KNOW horses being the idiots they are, will have meltdowns about this different looking patch.
So my questions:
- What do I charge her? Normally if a horse breaks a fence board or a jump pole, I don’t charge for it. Wear and tear and unfortunate circumstances bring what they are. But in this case, this is a horse with a known and repeated problem and I’ve asked her to talk to her part boarders about not riding on the wall. She did not tell convey this to her new part boarder.
- Even if I can repair it, what do I do to prevent this again? I’ve already asked her to avoid the walls. I’ve mentioned it to previous part boarders. I know when I’m not around, they still ride next to the wall. I don’t want to keep repairing my arena. Do I just say they can’t ride inside any more? Do I give notice? Do I just hope it doesn’t happen again? The owner is a pretty decent person, but also very removed much disassociated with her horse aside from paying bills.
I do not have a boarding contract because in the past when I’ve had one, it hasn’t mattered. To fight a contract is a long legal battle where you spend more money and time fighting it than just letting something go.