So, I’m going to challenge some of the above post assumptions just a bit. I see misses all the way around.
I’m making an assumption that may not be true, though.
She said, Yes, but asked how much it was. I said it depended on how much he did and that she could call and ask him.
OP, you didn’t clarify if you know that she did call and ask. If so, what was the answer. And what she and the dentist agreed to. That makes me think that communication didn’t prepare the boarder for the bill amount.
Based on the situation that the dentist is now dropping into OP’s lap, I’m guessing that boarder and dentist did not have a conversation about costs and limits – although if they did, it may have been far less than $300.
$300 is a lot to some people, especially if someone had no idea that a bill would be that much. I understand that the work seriously needed to be done. And that some people don’t know the full responsibilities and costs of owning a horse.
But nonetheless, this amount was a) a surprise to the boarder and b) not an amount she had authorized in advance. If I understand the story correctly.
Overall – top level view – OP / BO/M – In my opinion your first priority needs to be the party that you most want to keep in your orbit on good terms. Without getting between them, at least give that party the most attention and a suggestion to resolve the impasse … see below. I’m assuming that’s the dentist, but of course it might not be.
Did the dentist call the boarder, AFTER he had assessed the work needed, and BEFORE he did the work? Let her know what was needed, and give her a quote? With alternatives if she responded that she couldn’t afford a bill of that size. Maybe he could have done the work in more than one visit, or paid it in installments, or limited the work – or some other idea.
OP, has the boarder given you any financial parameters for additional bills for care that her horse might need while boarding at your barn? Have you had a discussion with her about this? Is it in your board contract, where she gives an amount?
So, in my opinion as a business type …
Miss #1 was on the part of the dentist and possibly the barn in not getting authorization for a specific amount ahead of time. If the boarder authorized less than $300, then it was time for a phone call before the dentist went all in.
Miss #2 is on the boarder - It seems to be that when the boarder authorized ‘dental work’, the boarder find out how much, or set a maximum. At least the boarder asked the BO/M, but should have spoken directly with the dentist.
Miss #3 on the dentist and #4 on the boarder seems to be that no one is offering an alternative plan that would correct for the first two misses. Dentist: “I understand that this amount is more than you expected. As BO also explained to you, it was important for your horse’s health to have this work done. My rates are comparable with other dental equine specialists. Can you do four payments of $75 each, due the 5th of each month for the next four months?” Boarder could also have offered this. But now maybe she might accept it – from the dentist.
Regardless of who should have done what, right now the situation is what it is. Boarder might agree to the four payments. And then make, or not make, all of them. But it is a way forward from here. It’s better than a stalemate.
I do agree with others that this is between the boarder and the dentist, not the BO/M. That said, the BO/M set up the connection and the work. So I also understand why the dentist is peeved and wants BO/M to help out.
The other bottom line here is not just that the boarder is refusing to pay, but why the boarder is refusing to pay. Surprised by the amount she didn’t authorize? Over her head financially with horse care? Or thinking to get away with a service without paying? The answer to this matters a great deal to her future with BO/M.
Just for good relations all around, if I were the BO/M in this situation, I would communicate with the dentist only – as the party that BO/M most wants to maintain on good relations – and talk through the situation, and suggest the four-payment alternative for the dentist to offer the boarder. Along with the assurance to the boarder “next time I’ll check with you before I do the work”. Or if BO/M is more affiliated with good relations with the boarder, same thing but vice versa.