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Boarding - chapel hill/Raleigh NC

Hello, next fall I will most likely be transferring into nc state and thus am looking for a boarding stable. I am looking for something that also has a good trainer (fei if possible but open to others). Doing third level this year and hoping to continue on up.
Open to Raleigh area and chapel hill since I will probably live at home.

Too bad you need to stay closer to Raleigh:( I will be looking for a boarder next year at my private farm…small covered arena with GGT footing and lights, full sized outdoor dressage arena, private pasture and run-in shelter and access to stall if needed. I don’t have a trainer here but wouldn’t mind one coming. I am a 20 minute haul to Lynn Leath at North Star Training who I lesson with.

Closer to the Raleigh area is Dawn Weniger at FirstView Farm and Becky Blickslager (sp??). Do a COTH search as this area has been discussed in the past. Also visit NCDCTA website as there is a trainers list. Many good trainers in our area.

Good luck with your move!!

Weniger and Blikslager (Windcroft) were the two people I was going to mention. They are on that side of town and both are very good.