Boarding Near Fort Riley, Kansas

I was just informed that my husband is assigned to Fort Riley in Kansas and we will be moving there from Virginia in mid to late summer. I have a coming 7 yo OTTB gelding. I am looking for boarding options and other resources in the area, in order of priority! Hoping you all can help out! If you know of any equine related Facebook community groups for the area, please share!

  1. Boarding within 60 minutes or less of Fort Riley area - looking at ALL options and types currently
  2. Veterinarians
  3. Farrier - specifically hoof care practitioners who specialize in barefoot and possibly also composite shoeing (latter not required)
  4. Eventing resources in area?

Thanks everyone!

Call the vet school at K State and see if they have recommendations. Also call Timbercreek Veterinary services and ask the receptionist if they can recommend boarding barns.