Bone contusion healing time?

I broke my foot January 3rd and while the fracture has healed my foot is still quite swollen and walking feels like you are stepping on a rock (in the heel area). Since I contused multiple bones in my foot, I’m assuming that is contributing to the delayed healing. The lower part of my foot appears to have healed first. The base of my toes is still quite tender with some swelling.

I am not resting my foot unfortunately… I did switch to sneakers which does help reduce the pain when walking but the horses need care so I’m hiking around the yard pretty consistently for feeding time and turnout.

I was told up to a year for the bone bruising to completely heal… that seems too long…

I had a bone bruise in my shoulder confirmed by MRI. Top of the humerus. How I managed to do that and not separate my AC joint or break my collarbone I’ll never know. It took a good 9 months to heal. Doctor said in non-athletes it might take as little as 4-6 months but for some reason athletes take longer for bone bruises to heal. I thought that was interesting though not the news I wanted to hear. I remember it being around the 9 month mark where I noticed that I wasn’t thinking about my shoulder anymore finally. I had fairly normal range of motion by 6 months but with some lingering pain.

Not a bone bruise, but I sprained my left instep the first week of November…still bothers me and swells up from time to time. My pc doc said 6-8 weeks to heal for someone in their 20’s; for me, being in my mid 60’s, he said a lot longer and wouldn’t even give me a time frame, just told me to keep it supported (generic vet wrap has been a blessing) and try not to re-injure it. It has now become my “weather forecasting foot”… If you’re not in your 20’s, A LONG TIME! I gimped around all winter taking care of my guys, and there was a lot of extra walking over hills due to massive snow drifts on the flats. By the time I was done for the day, I wanted to just cut my bad foot off it hurt so badly.