BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT / MDS Post transplant re-entry to Horses?

I am receiving a bone marrow transplant from a donor in another Country whose marrow is a 100% match to mine. I am looking for other riders and trainers who have had this procedure.

My current doctor is making it sound like I can’t even step in to the barn for six months. Help!


A very good friend had the procedure two years ago…it was quite the journey and yes he had to have a room that was cleaned out of everything and we could not see him for months. Of course this was during COVID so extra careful. Sending vibes that all goes well for you!!

So it sounds like they did their post procedure three months of bubble at home… What I am interested in is how they manage their reentry into being in the barn and around Horses. Do you have any insight there? Do you think your friend would be willing to talk to me about it?

Honestly they were more concerned about people germs, not animal! He would go for nature walks in the middle of the day and wear a mask when he was well enough. He’s doing great now!

My mom had this procedure a few years ago. She couldn’t even keep her houseplants that she had for decades because the doctors were worried the soil was harboring some bacteria. She didn’t garden for at least a year. Her dog came and lived with me for 6 months before he could go back.
Everything is back to normal now, and was probably after ~2 years (phasing in risks along the way). I encourage you to talk to your doctors about how important this is for you and see if there are some trade offs you can make.


Did your mother do her initial three month recovery at home, or in a facility near the hospital? Meaning, did she go directly home after the transplant? Or was she in an intermediary highly managed situation before going home?

I believe she spent the first month in the hospital, then 2 months in a nearby managed facility. Then she went home 3 months after the procedure.

My friend had to stay a month in hospital and a month in a “clean” room at home.