Bony lumps below both knees

My old girl has developed these two bony lumps on the inside of each foreleg, just under each knee. She has been a bit off the last few days (last week she was galloping around trying to avoid being caught for the daily sunscreen debacle - aha!! Probably how she did it!)

Neither are hot or painful to the touch, and the gimpiness could possibly be because the weather has been so wet everyone is getting sore feet (myself included, all the skin is peeling off my toes from the humidity and wet boots). This week we had dry weather up until I took these pictures, so the wet-to-concrete (and back to swamp today) ground conditions plays havoc with horses.

I would probably say they are on the top of the inner splint bone, but never seen a splint so far up and so perfectly twinned on each leg.

I was also less than impressed with her “yay it’s raining!” celebratory behaviour… as evidenced. That WAS a white rug this morning.


Small, high “splints”. Inflammation should calm down and cool out in time. Perhaps try to avoid more racing around for a while, if you can.


Odd she should get two identical ones either side!

Thanks. She doesn’t typically participate in any racing antics, being of a more elderly and distinguished nature these days… and I’ve gotten better at sneaking the sunscreen out.

Not typical but sometimes it just takes the right kind of stress. If she is older and they aren’t hot (or even all that large) I wouldn’t worry too much about fractures. Swelling around the bones can happen from trauma (knocking herself) or that high potentially a bit of hyperextension, maybe from the wet? It’s possible the lameness is related to the yahooing she did but not the splint swellings themselves even if they all occurred from the same event.

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My riding horse did a tendon two weeks ago, my foal blew an abscess, and her dam got a massive summer sore on her neck: it’s been an absolute sh.t of a year for horses.


Is she being trimmed correctly? Would stress from being imbalanced cause something like that?

Her toes may be long?

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Nope, good trim. Best her feet have ever looked.

She was perfectly sound today, decided to play a rousing game of “yeah nah, nope, not today” until a bucket of feed came out and she was perfectly happy to be caught. I’m guessing the weather was the culprit.

Old appy mare, eh. Cunning old biddies.


They are --I have 2 !!

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