BOT Back Brace

I picked up a BOT back brace for myself as I have a very straight lower spine, and if things get tight or compressed, pain flares up and I can barely walk.

For me, my entire pelvic core and girdle muscles as I call them start acting up and the only cure for it is two days of bed rest with pain meds. It sucks.

I was doing flat work with my guy and we finally got a collected canter, and I felt my back acting up. Not too bad, so I continued riding. By the time I put him away, I could barely walk. I had to drive myself to the emerg in the morning.

Two days bed rest, but by the 4th, I was back on my horse. The 5th day I had an over fences lesson, asked my coach to go easy on me (trotting 2’6 oxers on a deer jumping baby is not easy lol). But I survived.

Last night again, brace on, had a tough dressage lesson. Back didn’t flare up.

So basically this is a PSA that if you were considering trying it, I would. Especially if you need the brace for keeping the muscles warm and loose.

That is exactly what I use it for, and it works wonders!

I use the BOT knee brace and it seriously changed my life! such a fan of their products, for both horse and rider.

I use the BOT knee brace and it seriously changed my life! such a fan of their products, for both horse and rider.[/QUOTE]

Me as well, went from being woken in the night by the pain, as well as struggling through the day, to largely pain free.

I am only half joking when I say I want a BOT onesie to wear

Love everything BOT except their rain sheet. Not waterproof and the belly straps fall off.